mm-sync command line

Start multimedia synchronization engine


    mm-sync [-c config_file] [-D] [-F]
        [-m context_path] [-o option[,option2...]]
        [-s] [-S] [-v[v...]] [-V]


-c config_file
Specify an overridden configuration file. The full path of the default configuration file that mm-sync looks for is /etc/system/config/mmsync.conf, but you can provide a path to any other valid configuration file.
Turn on the debugging output.
Keep the synchronizer process in the foreground. This consumes more CPU resources but is handy when you need to minimize the time for making the media content playable.
-m context_path
Specify an overridden control context path. This is the path of the device object used in synchronizations. This option allows you to run multiple mm-sync instances concurrently with the same configuration.

When this option isn't used, mm-sync uses the context path provided in the configuration file. If no such path is given in the configuration file or if no configuration file is provided, mm-sync uses the system default of /dev/mmsync.

-o option
Configure miscellaneous options. Currently, only one option is supported:
  • sync_verbosity=<0..7> Set the verbosity level when logging synchronization details. If this option isn't specified, the default behavior is to match the -v setting.
Print logs to stderr in addition to sloginfo.
Enable logging of synchronization statistics. If you omit this option, the default behavior is to not log these statistics.
Increase output verbosity. Messages are written to sloginfo.

The -v option is handy when you're trying to understand the operation of mm-sync, but when lots of -v arguments are used, the logging becomes quite significant and can change timing noticeably. The verbosity setting is good for systems under development but should probably not be used in production systems or when performance testing.

Print expected schema versions to stderr and then quit.


The mm-sync command line runs the multimedia synchronizer engine with various user-specified parameters. Through parameters, you can specify a control context path and configuration file to use, make the service run in the foreground, and configure many aspects of logging, including the verbosity level and the logging of statistics.

The mm-sync service runs as a server process and responds to synchronization commands issued from the mmsyncclient utility or API calls made from client applications.