Deciding whether to run mm-detect

You can choose whether or not to run mm-detect in your car system. The mm-detect service is a convenience feature for automating the delivery of media information to client applications but clients can also obtain this information manually.

By default, mm-detect is running on QNX CAR systems. The mm-detect process is started at boot time by the System Launch Monitor (SLM) service. You can modify the SLM configuration file (/etc/slm-config-all.xml) to prevent mm-detect from being started, as explained in the Preventing mm-detect from running section.

When to use mm-detect

You should use mm-detect if you want to:

When not to use mm-detect

You should not use mm-detect and instead manage devices from client applications if you want to:

Detecting and synchronizing devices manually

To detect device insertions, a client application must constantly monitor the device listings directory (/pps/qnx/mount/). For any new PPS object written into this directory, the client must read the object's id and mount attributes to obtain the device's unique ID and mountpoint. The unique ID is used to construct the database device path and the name of the database configuration object.

Before it can synchronize any media metadata, the client must write the database configuration object to the appropriate PPS directory (/pps/qnx/qdb/config/) to load the database that stores media information for the newly inserted device. The client can then pass the database device path and the mountpoint to the mm-sync service to start synchronizing the device's media metadata.

For the full details on all the steps a client must perform to manually detect and synchronize devices, see the "Synchronizing multimedia content" section of the Multimedia Synchronizer Developer's Guide.

Note: To use Media Player when you're not running mm-detect, you must modify the application to manually detect devices and synchronize their media metadata.