Example #4: there are links for everything

If the source code is in directory A, the output binaries are in directory B, and the extra includes are in directory C, all of the directories have a common root, D (i.e. D/x/y/z/A, D/x/C, and D/w/C).

To create a project by itself, with its metadata located in another location (and you also want to share it if possible):

  1. Create a C++ Empty makefile project.
  2. In the Project dialog, use the default project location (in the workspace). For example, let's name it Project4.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. To create link folders for A, B, and C:
    1. For the project, select New > Folder.
    2. Click Advanced, and then select Link the folder in the file system.
    3. Select Variables….
    4. Add a new variable called ROOT_DIR, and then select its path in the filesystem to directory D.
    5. In the dialog, click Extend…, and then select the subdirectory called A. You should see a path something like ROOT_DIR/x/y/z/A in the path.
    6. Click Finish.
    7. Repeat the procedure for the B output directory (you don't need to create ROOT_DIR again, just click Extend…).
    8. Optional: Repeat the procedure for the extra include directory called C. This step is required so that the project setting can keep the relative path; however, if you're not going to share this project, this step can be omitted).
  5. Now you can add extra include folder. In the Properties dialog, expand C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols, select GNU C++, and then click Workspace… to add the directory called C as the include search path (i.e. /Project4/C). Now if the make file is in folder A (source folder), you'll need to instruct the IDE to run make from that location.
  6. Open Properties dialog for the selected project, and then click on C/C++ Build.
  7. For the build directory, type ${workspace_loc:/Project4/A}. Now, the Build Project and Clean Project will work; you'll see your binaries in Binary container, and your includes in Includes container. Open a source file and verify that the Include navigation works (double-click on the external include in Outline view to navigate to that location).
Note: In earlier versions of the IDE, there were two different project types: Managed make, which automatically generated a Makefile, and Standard make, which required a Makefile in order to be built. Now, you select a project type, and that determines the build system to use.

You can continue to create a make project using the C or C++ wizard. For instructions about how to create this type of project, see Create a make project.

If you're creating an application from scratch, you'll probably want to create a QNX C Project or QNX C++ Project, which relies on the QNX recursive Makefile hierarchy to support multiple CPU targets. For more information about the QNX recursive Makefile hierarchy, see the Conventions for Recursive Makefiles and Directories chapter in the Neutrino Programmer's Guide.

Note: If you want to import an existing project, see Import existing source code into the IDE in the Managing Source Code chapter in this guide.

Use the New Project wizard whenever you want to create a new project in the IDE.