To create a make file that can be launched outside the IDE:
In the Project Explorer view, select a project, right-click and select Properties.
On the left, select C/C++ Build.
On the right, verify that the Generate Makefiles automatically and the options Expand Env. Variable Refs in Makefiles in the group Makefile generation are selected.
On the left, expand C/C++ Build, and select Tool chain editor.
In the Current builder list, select the GNU Make Builder.
Specify any other desirable options for properties on the other panels.
Click OK.
As a result, the IDE generates a number of .mk files, and a top level make file for each processed configuration (the last one in the configuration folder). This make file can be processed from the command line using the make utility:
make -f [configuration]/makefile [target]
Every time any configuration is changed, updated, or deleted, you need to refresh the make infrastructure either by regenerating the make files, or changing the existing files manually.
For more information about using the CDT new project wizard, see Create a C/C++ project.
For a list of new workbench features, see What's New in the Workbench User
Guide ().
For a list of new CDT features, see What's new in the CDT? in the C/C++ Development User Guide