Using the QNX Momentics IDE

This User's Guide describes the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which is part of the QNX Momentics Tool Suite. The guide introduces you to the IDE and shows you how to use it effectively to build your QNX Neutrino-based systems.

Once you understand the basic concepts, you're ready to begin the typical cycle of setting up your projects, writing code, debugging, testing, and finally fine-tuning your target system.

The following table may help you find information quickly:

To: Go to:
Learn about the workspace, perspectives, views, and editors Specify a workspace location, Perspectives, Views, and Editors
Look up a keyboard shortcut Keyboard shortcuts
Use the IDE's help system Use the QNX help system
Connect your host and target Host and target machines and Target agent (the qconn daemon)
Create projects Create a project
Compile your code Build projects
Import a QNX source package and BSP Import a BSP or other QNX source packages
Import existing code into the IDE Import existing source code into the IDE
Check code into CVS or SVN SVN and the IDE and CVS and the IDE
Debug your program Debugging a program in the IDE
Run QNX Neutrino on your target Build OS and Flash Images
Examine execution stats (e.g. call counts) in your programs Profiling an Application
Exercise a test suite How the coverage tool works
Find and fix a memory leak in a program Find memory errors and leaks
See process or thread states, memory allocation, etc. What the System Information perspective reveals
Examine your system's performance, kernel events, etc. Watch your processes and Analyze Your System with Kernel Tracing
Learn how to use one of the IDE's wizards Project and Wizard Properties Reference
Set execution options for your programs Set execution options
Run through the IDE tutorials Tutorials
Learn where the IDE stores important files Where Files Are Stored
Learn what utilities the IDE uses Utilities used by the IDE
Find the meaning of a special term used in the IDE Glossary

Technical support option

To obtain technical support for any QNX product, visit the Support area on our website ( You'll find a wide range of support options, including community forums.

Typographical conventions

For typographical conventions used in our documentation, please see conventions.