Appearance page

You can change the following preferences on the Appearance preferences page:

Option Description Default
Current presentation Specify the currently active presentation (look and feel). Default (current)
Override presentation settings Locally override the settings from the current presentation's defaults. Not selected
Editor tab positions Specify either top or bottom to indicate where you want tabs for stacked editors to appear. Top
View tab positions Specify either top or bottom to indicate where you want tabs for stacked views to appear. Top
Perspective switcher positions Specify the location of the perspective switcher bar. Top right
Show text on perspective bar Specify whether labels should be shown in the perspective bar as well as icons. Selected
Current theme Specify the currently active theme (color and font set).
Reduced Palette
A theme that takes all of its values from the system settings.
Classic Theme
A theme that provides a classic Windows look.
Default (current)
Show traditional style tabs Show traditional style tabs Specify whether traditional (square) tabs should be used in place of the curved tabs. Not selected
Enable animations Enable/disable the feature where views animate to their location when closed or opened. Not selected
Use mixed fonts an colors for labels Allow the use of various fonts and colors for the names of labels in the GUI. Selected