
Your Audio HW DLL must provide an entry point called ctrl_init(), of type ado_ctrl_dll_init_t. When io-audio loads your Audio HW DLL, it calls this function. The prototype is:

int32_t ctrl_init( HW_CONTEXT_T **hw_context,
                   ado_card_t *card,
                   char *args )

The arguments are:

A location where your ctrl_init() function can store a pointer to a context-specific state structure for the card. You can define HW_CONTEXT_T to be whatever structure you want; by default, it's defined to be struct hw_context.
A pointer to an internal card structure, ado_card_t.

This structure isn't defined in the scope of this DDK; its contents are only known to the io-audio layer. You'll need to save this pointer to pass to some functions, such as ado_mixer_create(), that your Audio HW DLL might call.

Any command-line arguments that were part of the io-audio or mount command (for more information, see the QNX Utilities Reference).

The first job of this initialization code is to allocate its context-specific state structure. You can allocate the hardware context by calling ado_calloc() or ado_malloc().

Next, you need to verify that the hardware is present in the system. How you do this depends on your driver; in some cases, it isn't possible:

You should set the short and long names that audio applications will use to identify your card's type and the specific instance of the hardware; call ado_card_set_shortname() and ado_card_set_longname().

In addition to the above, the initialization depends on what features your Audio HW DLL supports:

If the initialization is successful, ctrl_init() should return 0. If an error occurs, ctrl_init() should return -1; in this case, io-audio unmounts the card.