You can run both io-net and io-pkt simultaneously on
the same target if the relevant utilities and daemons for each stack are present.
Here are some specific issues you should be aware of:
- The socket library is backward-compatible with all BSD socket API
This also extends to the routing socket.
- Applications with a tight coupling to the TCP/IP stack, including
ifconfig, netstat, arp, route,
sysctl, inetd, pppd, and pppoed,
aren't backward-compatible.
Stack-specific versions need to be maintained and executed.
- Socket library and headers aren't saved.
The new versions are backward-compatible.
- The following components may be compatible with io-pkt:
- We've updated
to work with native io-pkt
drivers (e.g. nicinfo wm0).
NetBSD drivers don't operate with nicinfo.
- You can run both io-net and io-pkt simultaneously,
but you have to provide different instance numbers and prefixes to the stack.
For example:
io-pkt -d pcnet pci=0
io-net -i1 -dpcnet pci=1 -ptcpip prefix=/alt
Note that the io-net versions of the utilities
must be present on the target (assumed, for this example, to have
been placed in a separate directory) and run with the io-net
For example:
SOCK=/alt /io-net/ifconfig en0
SOCK=/alt /io-net/inetd