How does the thread scheduler guarantee a partition's minimum CPU budget?
The thread scheduler guarantees a minimum CPU budget by ensuring that other partitions don't overrun their budget. This determination is made every clock tick.
The clock interrupt handler invokes the thread scheduler. That means it runs a miniimum of every clock period (typically every millisecond). On each clock tick:
On exit from the Neutrino clock interrupt handler, the handler examines the flag. If set, it causes the system to immediately enter the kernel and invoke the full scheduling algorithm.
The full thread scheduler algorithm examines all partitions. It stops running the current partition if it's about to run out of budget (i.e. it no longer has enough to pay for another quarter clock period, in addition to one clock period for each additional CPU — if the system is multicore). In other words, the thread scheduler guarantees that budgets are met by forcing a partition to temporarily stop running if it will run over its budget before the next time the scheduler is in control of the system. This also requires that some other partition has budget and threads that are ready to run.
When does the scheduler guarantee that a partition gets its budget?
The thread scheduler guarantees that budgets are met by forcing a partition to temporarily stop running if it runs over its budget before the next time when the scheduler is in control of the system.
The thread scheduler makes sure that a partition gets at least its budget in the current averaging window when:
Then the thread scheduler guarantees that partition p gets B(p) percent of CPU time over the last averaging window if:
R(p) >= N * B(p)/100
In other words, it means that when the partition has enough ready to run threads to occupy the processors in the system.
In other words, budgets are guaranteed if the system is busy enough and no partition has used its critical budget.
Does a 100-ms window mean a CPU time-averaging occurs only once in every 100 ms?
See the next answer.
How often does the algorithm enforce partition budgets?
A 100-ms averaging window stores a detailed history of CPU usage for each of the last 100 millisecond intervals. Rather, it stores a history of CPU usage, with detail for each of the last 100 millisecond intervals. The window rotates, or slides forward in time, for every clock tick. So the window provides precise information about the average CPU consumption every millisecond (or clock period).
Between clock ticks, when the thread scheduler algorithm is called, CPU usage of each partition is approximated with the assumption that each partition will likely run continuously at least until the next clock tick.
In other words, the thread scheduler computes the used CPU time and enforces the budgets, many times per millisecond.
What system assumptions does the design of thread scheduler make?
In order to guarantee that the partitions get their guaranteed minimum CPU budgets, the design assumes:
When does the thread scheduler calculate percentage CPU usage?
Never. It avoids doing division in order to execute quickly.
The scheduler only compares a partition's CPU usage with its budget, expressed as a total time over the last averaging window rather than as a percentage. To make a quick comparison, both usage and budgets are treated internally as counts of ClockCycles(), not as percentages.
How often does the thread scheduler compute CPU usage?
At least once every clock period (typically every millisecond). However, it also does it on kernel calls, such as message and pulse sending or mutex releases. For example, on a 733MHz x86 machine that performs a lot of I/O, the scheduler computes CPU usage around 50 times every millisecond.
When is the scheduler's behavior realtime?
Within a single partition, the thread scheduler always follows POSIX scheduling rules, i.e. preemptive priority-based scheduling with FIFO and sporadic policies. So a partition looks somewhat like a complete system in POSIX.
However the CPU time, seen by a partition, may be sliced by threads running in other partitions.
So the question remains: when does a partition get continuous realtime? Since our definition of realtime is to schedule strictly by priority, the answer is the thread scheduler schedules strictly by priority whenever a set of partitions has used less than their budgets over the last averaging window. This implies that all threads run by priority-preemption rules as long as their partitions have not exhausted their budget in the current averaging window. In brief, it's realtime when a partition is using less than its budget.
What is free-time mode?
See the next answer.
What is free time?
Free-time mode is a specific budget situation when at least one partition with a nonzero budget isn't using all of its budget. Free-time mode means other partitions may use up the free time even if they exceed their own budgets. This is one of the reasons why adaptive partitioning is adaptive.
The extra time a partition gets in free time mode is called free time, but it isn't always free; sometimes it must be paid back.
Do you have to repay free time?
Partly. In general, only the free time during the last averaging window needs to be paid back.
For example, suppose that partition p1 has exhausted its budget, and another partition p2 has available budget. Therefore partition p2 is running. Now assume that partition p2 becomes idle (i.e. goes to sleep) for 10 milliseconds. Because partition p2 has no competition and is in free-time mode, partition p1 begins running and exceeds its budget by 10 milliseconds.
Now, say partition p2 wakes up. The partition p2 won't run until the averaging window rotates enough to carry the history of its CPU over-usage past 100 milliseconds into the past. So, p2 may not run until window-size − budget milliseconds passes. This interval, where p2, is suspended is effectively paying back the free time.
In general, when free time is less than window size — budget must be paid back.
In a different example, suppose partition p2 goes to sleep for a minute. In this situation, partition p1 runs opportunistically and subsequently consumes 100% of the CPU. When partition p2 wakes up, it will have available budget, and partition p1 will be over budget, so partition p1 will run.
The partition p2 won't run again until window rotation removes history of its CPU usage past 100 milliseconds in the past. So in this case, partition p2 needs to pay back only window-size − budget milliseconds of the minute of CPU time that ran because partition p1 was asleep.
While the partition is over budget (because of the free time it received) — it won't run at all until enough time has passed to cause the total usage (recorded in the averaging window) to fall below budget. It implies that the partition has stopped running until its stopped time compensates for the free time it took earlier.
An exception is free time that occurred just before a call to SchedCtl(SCHED_APS_SET_PARMS,...) to change the window size. Changing the window size wipes the scheduler's memory so free time just before a change in window size isn't paid back.
How does the thread scheduler behave on HyperThreaded (HT) processors?
Adaptive partitioning treats a two-headed HT processor as a multicore system with two CPUs. It assumes that each virtual processor has equal and constant throughput. Whereas this is true for SMP machines, it's true on HT machines only when the system is sufficiently loaded to keep both pseudo-CPUs busy. Adaptive partitioning requires that a system's throughput be proportional to the ClockCycles() function.
How long can a round-robin thread run with the thread scheduler?
Without the thread scheduler (i.e. using classic Neutrino scheduling), a round-robin thread:
With the thread scheduler, a round-robin thread:
The scheduler overrides the time slice for a round-robin thread. When a partition has more than 4 ticks of available time left in its budget, thread scheduler behavior is the same as the classic Neutrino scheduling. However on a loaded system, it's best to assume that a Round-Robin thread may be sliced every tick.
When a round-robin thread is preempted by the scheduler, it will be able to run a thread in a different partition. In other words, round-robin behavior is unchanged relative to the other threads in the same partition.
How long can a FIFO thread run with the thread scheduler?
Without the thread scheduler, if not preempted by a higher priority thread, a FIFO thread runs until it gives up control voluntarily.
With the thread scheduler, a FIFO thread runs if not preempted by a higher priority thread in the same partition until it gives up control voluntarily, or its partition runs out of budget.
FIFO behavior is unchanged as long as your partition has budget. On a loaded system, it's best to assume that a FIFO thread may be time sliced every millisecond with threads in other partitions. However, relative to all other threads in the same partition, FIFO behavior is the same as in classic Neutrino scheduling.
How long can a sporadic (SS) thread run with the thread scheduler?
Without the thread scheduler, if not preempted by a higher priority thread, an SS thread runs until it gives up control voluntarily. Since the priority of an SS thread alternates between normal and low priorities, it's likely to be preempted when running at its low priority.
With the thread scheduler, the SS thread runs if not preempted by a higher priority thread in the same partition until it gives up control voluntarily or its partition runs out of budget.
Some developers set the higher priority of a sporadic-scheduled thread to be the highest priority in the system, in order to make the thread nonpreemptible during its high-priority mode. With the thread scheduler, the thread is non-preemptible only as long as its partition hasn't exhausted its budget.
Sporadic scheduling behavior is unchanged as long as your partition has budget. On a loaded system, it's best to assume that an SS thread may be time-sliced every millisecond with threads in other partitions. However, relative to all other threads in the same partition, SS behavior is the same as in classic Neutrino scheduling.
How often does the thread scheduler algorithm run?
See the next answer.
How often does the thread scheduler enforce budgets?
The thread scheduler runs and enforces budgets:
The frequency depends on how often messaging occurs.
How do power-saving modes affect scheduling?
If the system suspends, scheduler is unaware of the interruption. Upon resumption, partitions will have the same percentage consumption they had at suspension.
If the system varies the processor speed to conserve power, scheduler is unaware of the variation. Although the scheduler guarantees that all partitions get their budget percentages, it assumes that each millisecond has the same throughput. This means that partition budget enforcement is effectively inaccurate for the 100 milliseconds (or window size) after the CPU changes speed. Thereafter, it's inaccurate.
How does changing the clock period (using ClockPeriod()) affect scheduling?
If you change the clock period, the thread scheduler can't schedule accurately because it's unaware of the change in the size of the tick. However, calling SchedCtl(SET_APS_PARMS,...) with the existing window size causes the scheduler to recalculate all internal parameters that depend on the size of the clock period. Correspondingly this calling restores accuracy.
As described in the Adaptive Partitioning User's Guide, you should set the window size after changing the clock period.