Whenever a server thread in the standard Neutrino send-receive-reply messaging scheme receives a message from a client, Neutrino considers the server thread to be working on behalf of the client. So Neutrino runs the server thread at the priority of the client. In other words, threads receiving messages inherit the priority of their sender.
With the thread scheduler, this concept is extended; we run server threads in the partition of their client thread while the server is working on behalf of that client. So the receiver's time is billed to the sender's scheduler partition.
What about any threads or processes that the server creates? Which partition do they run in?
Pulses don't inherit the sender's partition. Instead, their handlers run in the process's pulse-processing partition, which by default is the partition that the process was initially created in. You can change the pulse-processing partition with the SCHED_APS_JOIN_PARTITION command to SchedCtl(), specifying the process ID, along with a thread ID of -1.