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Create a file-selector dialog


int PtFileSelection( PtWidget_t *parent, 
                     PhPoint_t const *pos,
                     char const *title, 
                     char const *root_dir, 
                     char const *file_spec, 
                     char const *btn1,
                     char const *btn2, 
                     char const *format, 
                     PtFileSelectionInfo_t *info, 
                     int flags );


This function creates a file selector dialog that lets the user browse files and directories. The dialog allows the selection of a file and/or directory and fills a PtFileSelectionInfo_t structure with information about the selected item and the dialog.

This function has its own event-processing loop.

The arguments are as follows:

The dialog's parent, which can be NULL (see below).
The dialog's position, which can be NULL (see below).
The dialog's title. If NULL, the string File Selector is used.
The current directory for the file selector widget. The default is / if this parameter is NULL. You can pass a directory or a full path for a file.
The file specification to look for. The default is * if this parameter is NULL.
The string for button 1. The default is Open. This is the button that returns the selected-file information. When activated, it sets info->ret to Pt_FSDIALOG_BTN1.

If you want to have a hotkey for this button, place an ampersand (&) in front of the appropriate character in the string. For example, to have the string Select with s as a hotkey, pass &Select as btn1.

The string for button 2. The default is Cancel. When activated, it sets info->ret to Pt_FSDIALOG_BTN2. If you want to have a hotkey for this button, place an ampersand (&) in front of the appropriate character in the string.
A string to be used with the Pt_ARG_FS_FORMAT resource of the PtFileSel widget. It determines what information is displayed and in what order. If you don't want the divider shown, pass NULL as this parameter, and only the filenames are be displayed. See the description of PtFileSel for the format of this string.
This is a mandatory parameter. The function returns the selected file in the path portion of this structure. The PtFileSelectionInfo_t structure includes at least the following members:
Flags for the dialog. The default is to show all information, and corresponds to a value of 0. The possible values are:

The PtFileSelection() function creates a dialog to simplify file and directory selection:

Example of a File Selection dialog

An example of the dialog created by PtFileSelection().

The dialog is positioned according to the pos parameter: if NULL, the dialog is centered on the screen; if parent is NULL, the dialog is placed at the absolute coordinates of pos; otherwise it's placed at the relative offset of pos within parent.

You can specify the dimensions of the dialog by setting the info->dim field before calling this function.

The dialog consists of:

Path text field
You can type a directory name to open or a full path to a file. It behaves in the following manner:
Up Directory button
Clicking on this moves you up one directory level.
PtFileSel widget
Displays files and directories in single level mode.
Filename text field
Displays the selected file and allows you to enter your own. It behaves in the following manner:
Pattern text field
Only the files whose names match this pattern are displayed. This pattern doesn't apply to directories.
Button 1
Used to select a file or directory. When this button is clicked, the dialog is destroyed and a PtFileSelectionInfo_t structure is filled in: ret is Pt_FSDIALOG_BTN1 and path contains the full path of the selected item.
Button 2
Used to cancel the selection. When this button is clicked, the dialog is destroyed and a PtFileSelectionInfo_t structure is filled in: ret is Pt_FSDIALOG_BTN2 and path contains nothing.


An error occurred.


#include <Pt.h>
#include <photon/PtFileSel.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// global widget pointers
PtWidget_t *window, *sel_btn, *quit_btn, 
           *label, *sel_label;
// info structure for the dialog
PtFileSelectionInfo_t in;
// default position for the dialog
PhPoint_t pos = {100, 100};
// format string to be reused
char format[80];

make_fs( PtWidget_t *widget, 
         struct fs_dialog_modal *user,
         PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
    PtArg_t args[1];
    int err;

    // make the file selection dialog
    err = PtFileSelection(window, &pos, 
            NULL, "/", NULL, "&Select", 
            "&Done", format, &in, 

    // save the position and format for making a future dialog
    pos.x = in.pos.x;
    pos.y = in.pos.y;
    strcpy(format, in.format);

    PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, 
             "The Selected file was:", 0);
    PtSetResources(label, 1, args);

    PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, in.path, 0);
    PtSetResources(sel_label, 1, args);


quit( PtWidget_t *widget,
      struct fs_dialog_modal *user,
      PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

    PtArg_t     args[10];
    PhArea_t area;
    PhDim_t dim = { 300, 200 };

    in.dim.w = 0;
    in.dim.h = 0;

    // setup a default format string
    strcpy(format, "nsd");

    // make the main window
    PtSetArg( &args[0], Pt_ARG_WINDOW_TITLE, 
              "PtFileSelector Demo", 0 );
    PtSetArg( &args[1], Pt_ARG_DIM, &dim, 0 );
    window = PtAppInit( NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, args );

    // make a label 
    area.pos.x = 20;
    area.pos.y = 30;
    PtSetArg( &args[0], Pt_ARG_POS, &area.pos, 0 );
    PtSetArg( &args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_FONT, "helv12b", 0 );
    PtSetArg( &args[2], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, 
              "There is no selected file", 0);
    label = PtCreateWidget( PtLabel, window, 3, args );

    // make a second label 
    area.pos.x = 30;
    area.pos.y = 60;
    PtSetArg( &args[0], Pt_ARG_POS, &area.pos, 0 );
    PtSetArg( &args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_FONT, "helv12b", 0 );
    sel_label = PtCreateWidget( PtLabel, window, 2, args );

    // make a button for selecting files
    area.size.w = 80;
    area.size.h = 20;
    area.pos.x = 120;
    area.pos.y = 170;
    PtSetArg( &args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &area, 0 );
    PtSetArg( &args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, "Select File", 0);
    sel_btn = PtCreateWidget( PtButton, window, 2, args );
    PtAddCallback(sel_btn, Pt_CB_ACTIVATE, &make_fs, NULL);

    // make a button for quitting
    area.size.w = 80;
    area.size.h = 20;
    area.pos.x = 210;
    area.pos.y = 170;
    PtSetArg( &args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &area, 0 );
    PtSetArg( &args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, "Quit", 0);
    quit_btn = PtCreateWidget( PtButton, window, 2, args );
    PtAddCallback(quit_btn, Pt_CB_ACTIVATE, &quit, NULL);

    PtRealizeWidget( window );




Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

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