Launching a New QNX Amazon Machine Image Instance

Updated: April 19, 2023

This section describes how to use the Amazon EC2 Console to create and launch a QNX AMI instance.

Launching a new QNX AMI instance

Launching a QNX AMI instance follows similar tasks in “Step 1: Launch an instance” in with a QNX-specific change:
  • Under Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image), search for QNX, choose AWS Marketplace AMIs, then choose the desired QNX AMI. This is the operating system (OS) image for your instance.
Some configurations to check:
  • Under Network settings, choose Edit. Check that you have the appropriate VPC and security group. If you want public IP access, for Auto-assign public IP, select Enable.
  • Under Storage(volumes), choose Advanced to reveal the EBS Volumes details. Open the volume details and check that Delete on termination is set to Yes.
Note: For useful details on each item, choose Info.
When ready, launch your QNX AMI instance.

Booting a new QNX AMI instance

Once the new QNX AMI instance is ready, you may connect to it using the EC2 serial console or an SSH connection.
Note: For QNX AMI instances that are booting for the first time, you may follow the prompts to input new passwords for the root user and the qnxuser user. The first prompt will appear when you give keyboard focus to the EC2 serial console window and press ENTER.
Only one serial console can be active at one time for an instance and is usually reserved for the creator. Others connecting to the instance will use ssh. To allow connections from QNX Momentics IDE, run the qconn process.

You can use the QNX AMI image instance like any QNX-based system using the QNX product documentation at

For details on the Amazon environment, see the Amazon documentation at