Connecting to an Existing QNX AMI Instance

Updated: April 19, 2023

This section describes how to connect to an existing QNX AMI instance from your host computer and the QNX Momentics IDE.

Checking the prerequisites for instance connections and access

Connecting to an existing instance requires that you have the proper access, which is provided by your organization.
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at and choose Instances.
  2. Locate and open the target QNX AMI instance. On the target instance page, make sure the instance is running. Otherwise, start the instance by choosing Instance state > Start instance.
  3. Check the Security tab to ensure the security group allows your host computer to connect.
  4. Obtain the instance public DNS address and the key pair of the instance. If you didn't create the instance or the key pair, someone should provide you the key pair and your userid to access the instance. Record the file location where you saved the key pair.

Connecting to a QNX AMI instance with your host computer

To connect to a QNX AMI instance with your host computer, follow the instructions for using an SSH connection at

Another connection method is the EC2 serial console. Only one serial console can be active at one time for an instance and is usually reserved for the creator. Others connecting to the instance will use ssh.

Accessing the QNX AMI instance with the QNX Momentics IDE

To access your target instance from the QNX Momentics IDE and run programs on it, you must create a target connection on Momentics.
  1. Open a QNX Momentics project on your host computer.
  2. In the Target Navigator panel, create New QNX Target.
  3. For Hostname or IP, enter the public IP DNS address of the QNX AMI instance.
  4. For Port, enter the port allowed in the instance security group.
Now you can use your instance with Momentics.

You can use the QNX AMI image instance like any QNX-based system using the QNX product documentation at

For details on the Amazon environment, see the Amazon documentation at