Shared resource frameworks

Updated: April 19, 2023

The shared resource frameworks consist of virtual devices (vdevs) and/or services that the hypervisor host and guests can use to share content.

While QNX Hypervisor includes vdevs that support essential and common operations such as accessing shared RAM and sharing CPUs, automotive cockpits require additional vdevs to support sharing content between the host and guests. The QNX Advanced Virtualization Frameworks provide vdevs in the following frameworks:

Which of these frameworks you'll use, and how you'll use them, depend on what capabilities you want to offer users. Some frameworks contain multiple vdevs and thereby support sharing multiple kinds of content. For example, the Shared Video and Camera framework provides separate vdevs for sharing the host's VPU and for sharing cameras between the host and guests. (We discuss these use cases in different chapters.) Some vdevs are used by multiple frameworks. Notably, the virtio-vsock vdev is the basis for the Virtual Socket framework but is also used by the SWAM component in the Shared Audio framework.