Function table

Updated: April 19, 2023

The i2c_master_funcs_t structure is a table of pointers to functions that you can provide for your hardware. The higher-level code calls these functions.

typedef struct {
    size_t size;    /* size of this structure */
    int (*version_info)(i2c_libversion_t *version);
    void *(*init)(int argc, char *argv[]);
    void (*fini)(void *hdl);
    i2c_status_t (*send)(void *hdl, void *buf, unsigned int len, 
                         unsigned int stop);
    i2c_status_t (*recv)(void *hdl, void *buf, unsigned int len, 
                         unsigned int stop);
    int (*abort)(void *hdl, int rcvid);
    int (*set_slave_addr)(void *hdl, unsigned int addr, i2c_addrfmt_t fmt);
    int (*set_bus_speed)(void *hdl, unsigned int speed, unsigned int *ospeed);
    int (*driver_info)(void *hdl, i2c_driver_info_t *info);
    int (*ctl)(void *hdl, int cmd, void *msg, int msglen, 
               int *nbytes, int *info);
    int (*bus_reset) (void *hdl);
} i2c_master_funcs_t;