QNX launch configuration types

Updated: April 19, 2023

Launch configurations are based on templates of property settings that control program deployment, execution, or analysis. Unlike launch modes, launch configuration types are designed for specific tasks, not general use cases.

Here, we explain the QNX launch configuration types for performing tasks on QNX Neutrino systems. We list and describe the configuration properties that you can set in QNX launch configuration properties. A QNX launch configuration doesn't have to involve running a QNX project; it can also automate a setup task, such as copying files to the target, or an analysis task, such as running a kernel event trace.

Note: The Launch Configuration Type window shows only those launch configuration types that support the launch mode you selected in the Initial Launch Mode window. If you don't see the type you want to use, you can click Back to return to this first window, select the appropriate launch mode, then click Next to see different types listed.
Table 1. Launch configuration types designed for QNX Neutrino systems
Name Description Usable launch modes
C/C++ QNX Application

Supports launching a C/C++ application on a QNX target and then debugging, profiling, or analyzing that application using an IDE tool.

This launch configuration type defines basic settings such as the project name, the application binary to run, and the build configuration to use. It also specifies properties for starting the application, including the command-line arguments and environment variables, as well as debugger settings.

Run, Debug, Memory, Check, Profile, Coverage, Attach
C/C++ QNX Attach to Remote Process

Allows you to attach an IDE tool (GDB, Application Profiler, etc...) to a process running on a target, so you can debug, profile, or analyze an application at runtime.

The properties are similar to those for C/C++ QNX Application but don't include the controls for starting an application because in this case, you're attaching to a process that's already running.

Debug, Memory, Check, Profile, Coverage, Attach
C/C++ QNX Local Core Dump Debugging

Allows you to debug a core file stored on your host, whether that file came from a QNX target or another source such as a customer.

The available properties include the basic settings, the paths of any shared libraries that were used by the crashed process and that you want to debug, and debugger settings.

For this launch configuration type, the IDE uses a special launch target, Local.

C/C++ QNX Remote Core Dump Debugging

Allows you to debug a core file that was generated on the target when a process crashed. The IDE automatically creates a launch configuration of this type when you choose to debug the core file when prompted by the IDE after it detects the crash.

The available properties include the basic settings, the paths of any shared libraries that you want to debug, and debugger settings.

Neutrino Kernel Event Trace Controls how kernel event trace data is logged. You can define the trace duration, how the trace data is uploaded to the IDE, which kernel events are logged, and more. Log
QNX File Transfer

Automates file transfers between the target and host machines. You can list files to be uploaded (copied from host to target) or downloaded (copied from target to host). For each transfer, the host file must be selected from either a workspace location or the local filesystem, and the target file must be specified as a relative path beginning with the target connection name.

The Target File System Navigator lets you manually transfer files.

Run, Debug
Qt QNX Application Supports launching Qt applications on a local or remote QNX target. Run, Debug