QNX Neutrino 7.0 documentation update May 2018

New entries

Sound driver DLL for Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) audio data streaming over Bluetooth.
A sound driver DLL for Bluetooth synchronous connection-oriented (SCO) link (hands-free) devices connected via USB.
Push a compiled security policy into effect
Write a timestamp to indicate when an event or action occurred

Changed content

You should run chkqnx6fs only on an unmounted filesystem.
We've described the certicom and openssl values for the crypto option.
There's a new _CS_CONFIG_PATH configuration string. Its value is a colon-separated list of directories to search for configuration files.
Audio configuration file changes:
  • [GLOBAL] and [CTRL] sections:
    • added sw_mixer_sample_size
  • [CTL] section:
    • added input_splitter_ms
    • added input_splitter_rate
  • [AFM] section:
    • added local_rate_default and local_rate_mode
    • added remote_rate_default and remote_rate_mode
We've added more information about the naming option and how it affects the maximum number of partitions.
mkefs, mketfs, mkfatfsimg, mkifs, mkqnx6fsimg
These utilities have new cksum and sha256 attributes.
  • By default, mkifs doesn't strip .gnu_debuglink sections from ELF files.
  • We've documented the keepsection attribute.
The /dev/mqueue directory now appears as soon as you start mqueue.
  • We've explained the difference between the free memory and actual free resident memory numbers displayed by the pidin info command.
  • The amount of information that this utility provides depends on which abilities are enabled.
We've documented the -m and -t options.
  • There's a new -s option that enables safe shared mutexes; the kernel rejects any attempts to lock priority-impacting mutexes whose owner isn't known to the kernel and that the locking thread claims is from a different process. If you use this option, you should set the process-shared attribute to PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED for any barriers, condition variables, mutexes and read-write locks that are shared between processes.
  • You can now specify a tilde (~) to clear some boolean options. The -fe, -h, -p, and -v options now support this feature.
  • There's a new /proc/config virtual file that summarizes the configuration settings for procnto*.
The SLM component tag now supports the ability and type tags
  • Note that if an application has called TraceEvent(_NTO_TRACE_START), and you then try to start tracelogger, tracelogger might fail with a “resource busy” message.
  • When you terminate tracing in ring mode, tracelogger stops logging events, and then briefly starts it again so it can capture the state information that's emitted by the _NTO_TRACE_START command.
If you're running a safety version of the kernel, the release level (the output for the -r option) now includes an uppercase “S”.
The utility reference now explains how to make shared libraries and debug symbols available on the target.


The t permission in the perms attribute indicates that the file should be executed in place.
The /dev/mq directory appears as soon as you start mq.
The -E option enables events, even if you're running in daemon mode.