QNX Neutrino 7.0

New entries

AutoIP negotiation utility for link-local addresses
Driver for the SMSC9500 USB Ethernet dongle (replaces devn-smsc9500.so)
Class driver for USB host network devices (CDC network modules and RNDIS)
Driver for Virtio networking
Driver for the VMware VMXNET3 network interface
Create an image for a partitioned medium, such as a hard drive, SD card, or MMC
diskimage configuration file
Configuration file for diskimage
Multicast DNS (mDNS) and DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) test tool
Display or modify the contents of an ELF note (QNX)
Query the hostapd daemon from a command-line client
Perform network throughput tests
Perform network throughput tests
On-The-Go (OTG) server for universal serial bus (USB)
Low-latency multicast module
Small .lzma decompressor
Show information stored in the .lzma file header
lzcat, lzma
Compress or decompress .lzma files
Multicast and Unicast DNS daemon
Make Merkle filesystem.
Create a unique temporary file or directory
Resource manager process that manages the PCI hierarchy
Display PCI information
Partition table editor
Precision Time Protocol daemon
QNX anomaly detector
Add ports to the anonportalgo.reserve sysctl mask
Display database entries for PCI-related resources
Startup for x86 systems
Startup for x86 systems
Configure a token bucket regulator for an output queue
unxz, unlzma
Decompress .xz and .lzma files
Decompress .xz files
xzdec, lzmadec
Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files


Instead of using: Use:
CC, cc q++, qcc
devn-i82544.so devnp-e1000.so
devn-smsc9500.so devnp-smsc9500.so
fs-cd.so fs-udf.so
fs-qnx4.so fs-qnx6.so
io-pkt-v4 io-pkt-v4-hc or io-pkt-v6-hc
io-usb, io-usb-dcd io-usb-otg
ldrel elfnote
lsm-autoip.so autoipd
pci pci-tool
pci-bios pci-server
slogger slogger2

Anything that you send to slogger is relayed to slogger2.

sloginfo slog2info
startup-bios startup-x86

The following have no direct replacement:

Changed content

  • The create command now has a -P option that lets you specify the critical priority for the partition. Only threads at the critical priority or higher can use the critical budget.
  • You can now specify a partition ID or name when you use the modify command.
  • You can specify decimal places for the value of the -b and -m options for the create and modify commands.
  • The list of scheduling policies for the -S option no longer includes no_long_reporting.
  • There's a new join command that you can use to make a process or thread join a partition.
  • The list of bankruptcy policies for the -y option no longer includes log or recommended.
There's a new -p option that causes the utility to proceed, even if one superblock is damaged.
We now ship the GNU version of this utility.
We now ship this utility for development hosts.
There's a new ext option that lets you apply some QNX Neutrino extensions to this utility. The currently defined extensions control how the seek and skip options behave.
This driver no longer formats the RAM disk by default, so the nodinit is no longer supported.
The umass options include a new maxmerror option.
  • You can now use an additional argument to the ext_name option if you want to specify an explicit name for the interface.
  • New options:
    • cache=num — use a cacheable buffer for the bulk endpoint point
    • prio=priority — specify the priority of the USB callback thread.
The following options are new:
  • -vs
  • -xf
  • -R — we've changed the old -R option (a QNX Neutrino extension) to --no-def-route, in order to avoid a conflict with this option.
The following options are new:
  • -E — specify the maximum size for the list of the names of the most recent dump files.
  • -H — suppress the dumping of memory if the memory usage is greater than the given size.
  • -I — include the process ID in the core file's name.

We've removed the -D option; use -d instead.

The default type of filesystem for the emount command is now qnx6 (Power-Safe filesystem).
The default partition type for the add command is now 178 (Power-Safe filesystem).
  • The new options include:
    • -g — don't accept a guest session.
    • -s — set the SMB-signature support mode
  • The -b option has been discontinued.
  • You can now specify an amount in blocks or bytes for the alimit option.
  • The following options are new:
    • acl — enable or disable persistent ACL support (enabled by default)
    • dirgest — create directory digests
    • fs-alloc-strategy — set the allocation strategy
    • hold-eagain — control whether snapshots with hold or -snapshot returns EAGAIN
    • lnk — how to handle symbolic links
    • trim-limit — set trim/discard constraints
The configurable limits now include _PC_CASE_PRESERVING and _PC_CASE_SENSITIVE.
There are new parameters for entropy file, output file, global control interface (and group), and PID file.
There's a new aliasif parameter that you can use to configure the alias interface.
There's a new -m option that lets you specify in milliseconds the interval to use before rewalking the interface list.
  • You can now use the -m pool_name option to specify the name of a typed memory object to use. In this case, you must also specify the pool_size.
  • You can now use the -c option to specify the name of a configuration file. This configuration controls various aspects of the audio service.
  • You can now use the policy_conf=path_to_file to specify the location of the configuration file for audio policies, such as audio ducking, volume ramping, and auto-pausing on the system.
  • The PCM Software mixer no longer shows as a separate PCM device, so this impacts what you see when you run the ls command on the /dev/snd path.
  • Previous to this release, the client fragment size was locked to the fragment size of the PCM software mixers. In this release, the client fragment size can be any multiple of the PCM software mixer fragment size.
  • The default cache size is now 2 MB plus 2% of system RAM.
  • There's a new rapolicy option that lets you specify the read-ahead policy.
  • If random is running, io-pkt uses /dev/random as the source of random data. Otherwise io-pkt uses its own (less sophisticated) builtin pseudo-random number generator. The random TCP/IP option is now ignored.
  • There are new num_tap_interface and num_tun_control_interface TCP/IP options that you can use to control the number of TAP and TUN interfaces.
  • The default for the TCP/IP stacksize option is now 4096 (4 KB) in 32-bit architectures, and 8192 (8 KB) in 64-bit architectures.
  • The stack no longer automatically maps enXX interface names to the actual interface names. Consequently, io-pkt no longer supports the enmap TCP/IP option.
  • There's a new aliasif option that you can use to specify the user and group IDs that io-pkt-* should use when the qnx.kern.droproot sysctl triggers it to do so.
We've discontinued the -c and -u options.
You can no longer generate version 2 flash filesystem (FFS2) images.
  • We've added more details about the mkifsf_* image filters and added mkifsf_uefi.
  • We've updated the list of bootfiles (see the virtual attribute).
  • The -e is no longer supported.
  • Support for file data encryption is always enabled, so the -E option is now ignored.
  • The default blocksize is now 4096 bytes.
  • There's a new -d option that makes the filesystem use a B-tree structure for the root and .boot directories.
  • There's a new dflt_boot attribute that you can use to specify the boot image to use by default at system startup.
  • We've discontinued the alloc_bnd attribute.
If mount can't figure out which filesystem to use, it uses the Power-Safe filesystem (fs-qnx6.so).
There's a new -C option for specifying the chunk size.
  • We've updated the list of flags that indicate the state of the route.
  • The -T option is now implemented, and we've documented the -t option.
The -r option and the device argument (both for compatibility with io-net drivers) are no longer supported.
The memory manager no longer supports the SPAWN_PADDR64_SAFE flag, so the -P has been removed.

The following options are new:

  • -S path — specify the path to the security policy file.
  • -T type — specify the security type for the process.
  • You must now specify the width of the salt (the -w option) in multiples of 4 bytes. The minimum is now 4, but the default is still 16.
  • MD5 and DES can no longer be used as a password hash. As a result, the -d and -m options are longer supported.
  • There are new _NTO_TF_SHR_MUTEX and _NTO_TF_SHR_MUTEX_EUID flags that indicate if and how threads share mutexes. If neither of these is set, the thread doesn't share mutexes with any threads outside its process.
  • There's a new _ (underscore) format character that makes pidin display the process's type ID.
  • There's a new _NTO_TF_LOW_LATENCY flag that indicates that the thread should be scheduled to run on the same CPU as the one the kernel is currently running on.
  • We've documented the new _DEBUG_FLAG_64BIT process debug flag.
  • We've documented the new _NTO_PF_APP_STOPPED and _NTO_PF_64BIT process flags.
  • The output from the Q format character now includes an “N” if _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_NO_UNMASK is set, and an “A” if the interrupt handler was attached using InterruptAttachArray().
  • There's a new -v option that requests verbose output. The additional information depends on the format code or shorthand used.

The following options are new:

  • -a — the maximum number of open file handles allowed for the .all objects.
  • -D — the directory to put core files in.
  • -g — enable debugging output.

We've documented the +/-pktcheck option.

  • Opening /proc/pid/as for read-only access now fails if the process whose entry is being opened has any process-manager abilities that the process trying to open the entry doesn't have.
  • We've set the value of EALREADY to 237, and removed EALREADY_OLD, EALREADY_NEW, and EALREADY_DYNAMIC, which we added to smooth the transition to the new value of EALREADY. As a result, we're removed the -e n|o option, which was used to specify which value to use for EALREADY.
  • The -ad option isn't supported on any currently supported platform.
  • We no longer ship single-processor or non-instrumented versions of procnto.
  • Because of the changes to adaptive partitioning, the -c option is no longer supported.
  • Note that the -p option doesn't interfere with adaptive partitioning because preemption checks are independent of adaptive partitioning and are based strictly on priority.
  • The new virtual memory manager doesn't support defragmenting memory, the associated automarking of unmovable memory variable page sizes, or the MAP_NOINIT flag. As a result, the associated memory configuration options (-md, -ma, -mv, and -mi) are no longer supported.
  • The P memory configuration option is no longer supported.
q++, qcc
  • There's a new -stdlib option that lets you specify the C++ library type to use. This option maps to the -Y option.
  • We've renamed QCC to be q++.
  • The LLVM C++ library (-Y_cxx) is now the default C++ library.
  • There's a new -nodefaultlibs option that makes qcc not use the ld_stdlib section.
  • This service now uses the Fortuna pseudo-random number generator.
  • The default permissions on /dev/random and /dev/urandom are now 0666, to allow non-root users to contribute entropy.
  • If you use the -s option, the state is saved whenever you write to the /dev/random resource manager, or after 8192 reseedings.
There's a new -x option that prevents this utility from restarting the program if it exits normally.
ACLs now persist across reboots if the acl option for the Power-Safe filesystem (fs-qnx6.so) is set to enable (the default).
  • We've documented the -a, -n, and -t options.
  • There's a new -v option that makes slog2info parse buffers that were registered with the series of SLOG2_HINT_SKIP_BUFFER_* flags for slog2_register().
The following options are new:
  • -C dev_console_buffer_size
  • -c out_buffer_size,error_buffer_size
  • -D slogger2_asinfo_name[:dump_file]
  • -d slogger2_asinfo_name[:dump_file]
  • -g gid1,gid2,...
  • -l log_save_path
  • -P pps_path
  • -S
  • -s size
The default type of filesystem for the emount command is now qnx6 (Power-Safe filesystem).
Now that ldrel has been discontinued, usemsg always uses objcopy, so the -l and -o options are no longer supported.
Updated to version 2.5.
Updated to version 2.5.