About These Technotes

For this release of the QNX Neutrino RTOS, you'll find the following technotes here:

Compiling OpenVPN for QNX Neutrino
Describes how to download, configure, and compile OpenVPN.
IP Tunneling (Generic Routing Encapsulation)
Describes how you'd set up and use GRE.
PPPOE and Path MTU Discovery
Describes how to work around a problem with path MTU discovery.
Making Multiple Images
Explains how to use mkifs to create more than one image.
POSIX Message Queues: Two Implementations
Compares the traditional and alternate managers for POSIX message queues.
Choosing the Correct MTD Routine for the Flash Filesystem
Choose the correct MTD routine.
Reading a Kernel Dump
How to interpret the output if your application causes a kernel fault.
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Framework
Describes the API for the SPI interface.
Fine-tuning your network drivers
How to tune your network drivers for increased performance or reduced memory footprint.
How to get a backtrace of calling functions.
Reloadable Image Filesystems
How to quickly restore an IFS when you restart a system.
Customizing language sort orders for libqdb_cldr.so
How to create custom language sort orders to use with the libqdb_cldr.so DLL.