QNX Neutrino 7.0 documentation update July 2018

Changed content

For security reasons, the runtime linker unsets DL_DEBUG, LD_DEBUG, LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and LD_PRELOAD if the binary has the setuid bit set.
We've described how you can change the size of the buffer that's used internally by the stream I/O functions. Doing this can improve buffered I/O performance.
Note that the filepath argument can be NULL, in which case the function reopens the file associated with the stream fp.
We've added more details about why you'd get an error of EINVAL.
message_attach(), resmgr_attach()
  • These functions now indicate an error of EINVAL if you've already called dispatch_context_alloc(), and you've tried to increase the maximum message size or the number of message parts.
  • You can pass NULL for the attr argument if you want to use the default attributes.
We've updated the list of errors.
The attr argument isn't currently used; pass NULL for it.
Note that we don't support SOCK_RDM or SOCK_SEQPACKET sockets.


ilogb(), ilogbf(), ilogbl()
These functions don't set the floating-point status flags.
This function gives an error of EPERM if the caller doesn't own the lock.
message_attach(), name_attach(), pulse_attach(), resmgr_attach(), select_attach()
These functions aren't safe to call from a multithreaded program.
In order to set the user ID or group ID to something other than the calling process's real user or group ID, the calling process must have the PROCMGR_AID_SPAWN_SETUID or PROCMGR_AID_SPAWN_SETGID ability (or both) set.