
QNX buffer queue interface for writing audio or video data to a source


#include <OMXAL/OpenMAXAL_QNX.h>
typedef const struct XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf_* const* XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf;
struct XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf_ {
    XAresult (*RegisterCallback)(XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf self,
                                 xaQNXBufferQueueSourceCallback callback,
                                 void *pCallbackContext);
    XAresult (*Clear)(XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf self);
    XAresult (*Enqueue)(XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf self,
                        void *pBufferContext,
                        void *pData,
                        XAuint32 dataLength,
                        const XAQNXBufferItem *pItems,
                        XAuint32 itemsLength);
    XAresult (*SetCallbackEventsMask)(XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf self,
                                      XAuint32 eventFlags);
    XAresult (*GetCallbackEventsMask)(XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf self,
                                      XAuint32 *pEventFlags);
    XAresult (*SetBufferInfo)(XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf self,
                              const XAint32 count,
                              const XAint32 size,
                              const XAQNXBufferInfo *list);
} ;




The XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf data type provides a reference to the structure that defines the QNX buffer queue interface for writing audio or video data to an OpenMAX source.

The XAQNXBufferQueueSourceItf_ structure contains pointers to functions that let applications write the data to buffers used by the source, provide buffer information to the interface, and handle buffer events.

Descriptions of the individual function pointers are given in the immediately following sections.