
Describes the formatting of the encoded media data sent to the sink


#include <OMXAL/OpenMAXAL_QNX.h>
typedef struct XADataFormat_QNXEncoded_ {
    XAuint32 formatType;
    XAuint32 domainType;
    XAuint32 containerType;
    XAAudioStreamInformation_QNX audio_info;
    XAVideoStreamInformation_QNX video_info;
} XADataFormat_QNXEncoded;


XAuint32 formatType
The format type, which must always be XAQ_DATAFORMAT_ENCODED for this structure
XAuint32 domainType
The domain type, which can be any XA_DOMAINTYPE_* value
XAuint32 containerType

The container type, which can be any XA_CONTAINERTYPE_* value defined in the standard OpenMAX AL specification, or any XA_CONTAINERTYPE_QNX_* value defined in the QNX extensions

XAAudioStreamInformation_QNX audio_info
An XAAudioStreamInformation_QNX structure containing audio stream format information
XAVideoStreamInformation_QNX video_info
An XAVideoStreamInformation_QNX structure containing video stream format information

