QNX configuration extensions

The QNX OpenMAX API defines many parameters for configuring media processing and network settings in the underlying media engine.

These parameters are specified as key-value pairs in the XAConfigExtensionsItf interface methods for setting and querying the media engine configuration. For details about this interface, see the OpenMAX AL specification from the Khronos Group.

The QNX-extended API defines macros that allow you to refer to each key (i.e., field name) using a label instead of specifying the full name of the field and converting it to an OpenMAX string. For fields with a fixed set of supported values, the API defines macros for referring to those values, which saves you from specifying literal numbers or strings and converting them to OpenMAX strings.

The API also provides a structure for defining the cropping area during video encoding. This structure is used as the value for a particular video encoding parameter.