
MTP driver for io-fs-media


io-fs-media -dpfs,options


Treat Abstract Audio Album (.alb) objects, which contain references to tracks from an album, as directories. By default, treats these objects as files, in which case they can't be used to directly access album tracks (because the track locations are device-dependent).
If it's faster to perform a directed synchronization of the Albums directory than to synchronize the entire mediastore, you should use the albdir option. For information on directed synchronizations, see Full, directed, and file synchronizations in the Multimedia Synchronizer Developer's Guide.
.alb objects as files
With this default driver setting, synchronization operations won't find tracks through .alb objects, preventing duplicate database entries when the entire mediastore is synchronized. However, you can't browse the contents of .alb objects by performing a directed synchronization of the Albums directory.
.alb objects as directories
When the albdir option is used, synchronization operations might synchronize the contents of .alb objects from multiple directories (e.g., Albums and Music) and insert duplicate entries into the database for each track referenced in multiple .alb objects. However, you can browse the contents of these objects through directed synchronizations.
Set the debug level, where n is between 0 and 5. A value of 0 disables debug messaging while 5 generates maximum output. The debugging messages are logged to slog2info.
Assign numbers for the bus, device, and interface to use for an MTP device. This option allows to start one driver instance per MTP device, rather than using a single instance to service many devices. You can provide a separate device option with a unique set of values for each MTP device you want to support. For example, you can run these commands to support two MTP devices:
# io-fs-media -dpfs,device=1:3:3
# io-fs-media -dpfs,device=2:4:6
Note: Bus, device, and interface numbers are hexadecimal values.
Specify characters to be escaped in filenames. The escape behavior is as follows:
  • If you don't specify this option, by default escapes / to %2F and % to %25.
  • If you specify an empty string by using escape= or escape="", no characters are escaped (not even %).
  • For all other escape settings, escapes each character in the string. For instance, if you use escape=" &\" on the command line, the space character is escaped to %20, the ampersand (&) to %26, and the backslash (\) to %5C. Note that the order of the characters in the string doesn't matter; you could use escape="\ &" and the results would be the same.
Force to exit after detecting an invalid MTP interface.
Specify the root of the filesystem for MTP devices. If path ends in $#, then $# is replaced with a unit number. For instance, in a command line containing -dpfs,mount=/fs/pfs$#, the mountpoint could be replaced with /fs/pfs0.
Don't make files with references appear as directories. This setting disables playlists (e.g., .alb and .pla files on some devices) but can significantly reduce synchronization time.
Define the string for labelling the storage when it's presented in a list at the device mountpoint. This option is applicable when the storage option is set to auto or all. The supported settings are:
Setting Description Example


The storage description provided by the device (e.g., “Phone”, “Internal”, “SD Card”).
id The MTP storage ID provided by the device. /fs/pfs0/10001000
label The storage label, usually assigned by the user to the device or filesystem. /fs/pfs0/RJA_Phone
We recommend using the default (desc) setting because the storage names listed will match what users see when connecting the device to their machine.
Set the policy for listing the available storages of a device at its mountpoint. The MTP driver supports these storage-listing settings:
If the device has only one storage, list its contents at the device mountpoint (e.g., /fs/pfs0); this is the same behavior as first. If it has multiple storages, list the contents of its storages in subdirectories of the mountpoint (e.g., /fs/pfs0/Internal); this is the same behavior as all.
List the contents of the “first” storage directly at the device mountpoint (i.e., not in a subdirectory). The first storage is the one first reported by the device upon connection. When a device has many storages, it's up to the device to pick which one to report first. In this case, additional storages won't be listed at the mountpoint.
List the contents of all storages at the mountpoint, no matter how many are attached. For example, suppose a device has an internal storage and an inserted SD card. With this setting, you would see two subdirectories at the mountpoint: /fs/pfs0/Internal and /fs/pfs0/SD_Card (or something similar depending on the slabel setting).
The default option, auto, is convenient but non-deterministic. For the same device, different contents could be displayed at its mountpoint depending on the status of its external storage. For instance, if the SD card has been removed from the slot, the contents of the internal storage will appear at the mountpoint. If the SD card is inserted in the slot, a storage list (i.e., subdirectories for all accessible storages) will appear at the mountpoint, where each storage can be browsed independently.
Note: If you're synchronizing a device, this non-deterministic setting could cause a lot of database thrashing between connections if the user often toggles the state of their removable SD card.
For more deterministic behavior, you must set storage to one of the last two options (first or all). With first, the contents of the first storage are always listed directly at the device mountpoint. With all, the contents of all accessible storages are always listed in subdirectories of the mountpoint.
Name the USB stack to use. The default stack is /dev/io-usb/io-usb.


The module implements the driver for MTP devices. This module is configured by issuing io-fs-media commands with the -dpfs option followed by a comma-separated list defining one or more driver options. For example, you can tell the MTP driver to list all storages at the device mountpoint, using user-defined labels to identify each storage, by issuing this command:

io-fs-media -dpfs,storage=all,slabel=desc

Enabling MTP

To read files on MTP devices, you must configure the usblauncher service to start the driver when an MTP device is connected. The usblauncher configuration contains rules that specify how to process specific devices when they're attached through a USB port. In the main configuration file (rules.lua), you must uncomment the rule containing the MTP Microsoft descriptor, by removing the "--[[" and "--]]" lines around the rule:

 -- to be tried first, the MTP rule must precede the MSC (storage) rule
 -- example commented out
 device() {
         ms_desc("MTP") {
                 driver"io-fs-media -dpfs,device=$(busno):$(devno):$(iface)";

To read media metadata (e.g., album name, artist name, track durations) from files on MTP devices, you must configure the metadata provider library (libmd) to use the appropriate plugin when accessing MTP files. You can do this by uncommenting the following lines in the libmd configuration file (/etc/mm/mm-md.conf), by removing the comment delimiter (#):

Note: These configuration changes must be done before starting the following components:
  • usblauncher
  • mm-sync
  • mm-renderer