Viewing hypervisor activity

Below are instructions that will help you get a quick look at what the hypervisor is doing.

After you have successfully booted the hypervisor, you should be able use a terminal tool to have a look at what the hypervisor is doing. For instance if you enter pidin info in your serial terminal's command line, you might see “Release QOS 2.1”, and four processors listed.

If your hypervisor host is connected to a DHCP server, you can get your + board's IP address, as follows:

  1. In your serial terminal's command line enter ifconfig.

    The command should return a valid IP address for your wm0 device.

  2. Write down this address. It is the IP address for the hypervisor. You will need to enter it when you use the IDE tools on your host system to connect to the hypervisor running on your target.

When you have the hypervisor's IP address, you can use the IDE on your development host to connect to the hypervisor running on your target:

  1. Launch the QNX Momentics IDE (e.g., qde.exe on Windows; see the QNX Momentics IDE User's Guide and the QNX SDP Release Notes).
  2. Change to the QNX System Information perspective.
  3. Right-click on the Target Navigator view, and select New QNX Target….
  4. In the dialog box that appears, enter the hypervisor's IP address, then press Enter.
Note: You need the qconn daemon running on your target (see qconn in the QNX SDP Utilities reference).

You should now be able to use the IDE tools to work with the hypervisor running on your target.

Here are a few things to try in the IDE:

You can also start another SSH session in another terminal program, such as PuTTY, and log in as userid root, password root. You'll be able to change these later when you modify the hypervisor bootable image.

You should now be ready to boot the hypervisor's guests (see Starting and using guests in this chapter).