Generate a target image of for a specific board

Syntax:  [options] board.variant -o output-path

Runs on:

Windows, Linux.

Requires a specific version of Python installed on your host system; see your product Release Notes for the most up-to-date information.


-c mksysimage_config_file, --mksysimage-config-file mksysimage_config_file
Specify the path and configuration file (mksysimage.cfg) for the utility script. Default is False: use the mksysimage.cfg file at the default path (see The configuration files in the Configuring Partitions and Images chapter).
-h, --help
Print the script use message, and exit.
-I ifss, --ifs=ifss
Specify the IFS to generate (e.g., -I rcarh3spre-sd.ifs). If you don't use this option and more than one IFS can be generated, will generate all possible IFSs.
-i, --ignore-missing
Ignore missing files. Use this option to prevent from failing if it can't find a file. Default is False: fail on any missing file.
See also Making a file optional in the Modifying Content chapter for information about how to use a fileset <file> element's optional attribute.
--image-config-path image_config_path
Specify the path of the configuration files for the script used by
-m mktar_options, --mktar-options=mktar_options
Specify the options for (see --help).
Generate only the tar files. A tar file is generated for each profile listed in the configuration file, then stops.
Don't generate fileset build files. Default is False: generate fileset build files (see The process in the Image Generation and Assembly chapter).
Don't generate .ifs files. Default is False: generate .ifs files.
Don't generate an os.version file. Default is False: generate an os.version file (see os.version files in the Image Generation and Assembly chapter).
Don't generate a system image (*.img) file. Default is False: generate a system image file (see The process).
-o output_path, --output-path output_path

Specify the path to the directory where partition output files (*.image) and target image *.img files will be written. The script will write the files to:

-P product, --product product
Specify the name of the product. You can set the QNX_PRODUCT environment variable to specify the default product to use when this option isn't specified.
-p, --keep-partition-images
Keep the partition images; don't discard them at the end of the image generation process.
-q, -quiet
Prevent any output. Default is off: allow output.
-s searchpaths_config_file, --searchPaths-config-file searchpaths_config_file
Specify a search paths configuration file. If this option isn't specified, uses the default search paths configuration file (see Search paths in the Modifying Content chapter).
--temp temp_dir
Specify the path to a temporary (temp) directory to use instead of the default temp directory.
-V variant, --variant variant
Specify the image variant you want to generate (e.g., SD, SD-eMMC). Valid values for variant are the names of the configuration files in the board.variant directory, stripped of their .cfg suffixes.
-v[v...], --verbose
Increase the level of output verbosity. Additional v characters increase the verbosity.
-w qnx_deployment_workspace, --workspace qnx_deployment_workspace
Specify the path to the QNX deploymnet workspace directory. This workspace is where copies the directories and files you need to generate your image. You should se the $QNX_DEPLOYMENT_WORKSPACE to this path when you prepare your working environment (see Prepare the work environment in the Generating a Target Image chapter).


The utility is a Python script that invokes other utilities to generate, IFSs, tar files and images for each board.

By default, reads a configuration file from:


This configuration file is called board-mksysimage.cfg (e.g., rcarh3spre-mksysimage.cfg). It specifies image contents (from the profiles), the default IFS, and the configuration file that specifies the assembly and organization of the final target image.

You can use the -c option to specify your own configuration file. You can use other options to specify the product, customize what generates and assembles, etc.


To run, you need to specify the board, its variant, and the output path.

The following example reads the default configuration file for the rcarh3spre board, and creates three images and their corresponding .tar files in the specified output path called /tmp: -o /tmp/ rcarh3spre.ext

Exit status:

The specified image file was created successfully.
An error occurred.