Modify the system to run a custom application

The default application that the reference image starts is the Camera MUX 2x2 example.

You can change configuration to start a different example or even custom one that you build. You can use the existing SLM and sensor configuration files after you have uploaded your application to the the S32V board.

  1. Make a copy of the SLM configuration file that uses sensor configuration close to what you want. In some cases, you might need to modify the configuration to match your purposes. See the Configure cameras on the reference image section in this chapter for more information. For example, if you created an application to use a single camera, make a copy of slm-config-platform-default.xml.
    # cp slm-config-platform-default.xml slm-config-platform.xml
  2. Modify the camera_mux2x2 component in the slm-config-platform.xml file to start your application instead of the camera_mux2x2 application using vi on the target. Alternatively, you can also modify the configuration file if you're connected using the QNX Momentics IDE.
    <SLM:component name="camera_mux2x2">
        <SLM:stop stop="signal">SIGTERM</SLM:stop>

    Change this to:

    Note: In this example, the binary is called mycustomcamera.
    <SLM:component name="mycustomcamera">
        <SLM:stop stop="signal">SIGTERM</SLM:stop>