Run Sample Applications

The reference image includes multiple sample applications that allow you to experiment and see how various features run.

By default, the reference image only starts the Sensor service with a configuration of data files and camera files. The Car Creek MRB is used for central processing capabilities. Generally, it's a good platform to use to publish data. For example, you can run the Sensor example application to demonstrate how to publish data.

To do this, you must connect to the reference image using an ssh connection and run the command to run the application. These are the sample applications that demonstrate what you can build with the QNX Platform for ADAS:
Note: The applications are for demonstrative/reference purposes and are meant as a starting point for you to learn how to build your applications. They aren't intended for production and the code is structured in a manner to make it easier to learn how to use the API rather than being coded for efficiency.
Note: You can run multiple applications that use the same sensor as long as you don't exceed the number of connections supported for client applications. For example, you could run multiple instances of the Sensor example application and use the same sensors without issue. For more information about the maximum connections supported by client applications, see the Sensor Developer's Guide and Camera Developer's Guide.
  1. Publish Subscribe example: This application runs as either a publisher, subscriber, or both. This example uses Platform-independent Publish Subscribe (PiPs). For more information about using the application, see Publish and Subscribe example.”
  2. Robot OS example: This application can be used to publish data that's read from connected sensors. You can run a separate subscribe that listens for data that's published and visualize the data on a separate host system. For more information, about using this application, see see Robot OS example.”
  3. Sensor example: This application reads sensor data, queries a sensor for information, and queries that data. You can also use it to record sensor information. For more information about using the application, see Sensor example.”