QNX Browser Invocation from Qt

Although Qt includes programming interfaces for accessing web browsers, these components aren't supported by the QNX Qt runtime for this release. Instead, your Qt code can start one of our sample QNX browsers or a custom browser, by using the launcher service.

The shipped image includes two browsers:

Both browsers are packaged and installed as apps (as opposed to stand-alone applications with their own HMI) and hence, can be launched from Qt code by writing a command to a Persistent Publish/Subscribe (PPS) object monitored by the launcher service. An example of using Qt to launch an app is the Home screen app. The source code of this app is found in the Qt source code bundle (appsmedia_qt_source_v1_1.zip), which is part of the QNX SDK for Apps and Media installer package. Specifically, you can examine the code in the Homescreen/app/launcher subdirectory to see how to format and send the start command through PPS.

For more information about the Home screen sample and how users interact with it to launch apps, see the User's Guide. For a reference of the PPS control object used by launcher, see the /pps/services/launcher/control entry in the PPS Objects Reference.

If you want to deliver HTML5 content to the user without running a browser, your Qt apps can start any app written with HTML5 and related technologies, using the same mechanism of sending an app launch request to launcher through PPS.