
Mount an image filesystem (QNX)


mount_ifs  [-bT] -f filename -m mountpoint [-v[v]...]

Runs on:

QNX Neutrino


Daemonize and return before the transfer of the data. By default mount_ifs daemonizes itself after.
-f filename
The name of the file containing an image filesystem.
-m mountpoint
Where the device is to be mounted on your system.
Create a second thread to handle the decompression in parallel. You need to use this only if you have a compressed IFS image.
Be verbose; more v characters cause more verbosity.


The mount_ifs utility mounts an image filesystem at the specified mountpoint, decompressing the filesystem if it's compressed. It's similar to using mount with the -t ifs option, but it uses direct I/O (if supported) to load the IFS image from a block device into memory, and then mounts the IFS. The utility allocates the memory and daemonizes itself, and supports the same compression algorithms as mkifs.