
Include the standard header <exception> to define several types and functions related to the handling of exceptions.

namespace std {
class exception;
class bad_exception;

typedef T1 exception_ptr; [added with C++11]
class nested_exception; [added with C++11]

        // FUNCTIONS
typedef void (*terminate_handler)();
typedef void (*unexpected_handler)(); [deprecated with C++11]
    get_terminate() throw(); [added with C++11]
    set_terminate(terminate_handler pnew) throw();
    get_unexpected() throw(); [added with C++11]
    set_unexpected(unexpected_handler pnew) throw(); [deprecated with C++11]
void terminate() noexcept; [does not return]
void unexpected(); [does not return] [deprecated with C++11]
bool uncaught_exception();

exception_ptr current_exception() noexcept; [added with C++11]
void rethrow_exception(exception_ptr ptr); [does not return] [added with C++11]
template<class Ex>
	exception_ptr make_exception_ptr(Ex ex) noexcept; [added with C++11]
template<class Ex>
	void rethrow_if_nested(const Ex& ex); [added with C++11]
template<class Ty>
	void throw_with_nested(Ty&& val); [does not return] [added with C++11]
}  // namespace std


class bad_exception
    : public exception {

The class describes an exception that can be thrown from an unexpected handler. The value returned by what() is an implementation-defined C string. None of the member functions throw any exceptions.


class exception {
    exception() throw();
    exception(const exception& right) throw();
    exception& operator=(const exception& right) throw();
    virtual ~exception() throw();
    virtual const char *what() const throw();

The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown by certain expressions and by the Standard C++ library. The C string value returned by what() is left unspecified by the default constructor, but may be defined by the constructors for certain derived classes as an implementation-defined C string. A copy of an exception returns a C string from what that compares equal to the original.

None of the member functions throw any exceptions.


exception_ptr current_exception() noexcept; [added with C++11]

The function returns an exception pointer that designates the current thrown exception, or a null exception pointer if no such exception exists.


typedef T1 exception_ptr; [added with C++11]

The typedef is a synonym for the unspecified type T1, which describes an exception pointer that can designate a current thrown exception, or a null value if no such exception exists. The thrown exception object has a lifetime at least as long as that of the exception pointer.


    get_terminate() throw(); [added with C++11]

The function returns the stored address of the current terminate handler.


    get_unexpected() throw(); [added with C++11]

The function returns the stored address of the current unexpected handler.


template<class Ex>
    exception_ptr make_exception_ptr(Ex ex) noexcept; [added with C++11]

The function returns an exception pointer that designates the exception Ex as a thrown exception.


class nested_exception {
    nested_exception() throw();
    nested_exception(const exception&) throw() = default;
    nested_exception& operator=(const nested_exception& right) throw() = default;
    virtual ~nested_exception() throw() = default;

    void rethrow_nested() const; [does not return]
    exception_ptr nested_ptr() const noexcept;

The class serves as a wrapper for the current thrown exception as an object of type exception_ptr. The default constructor stores current_exception() which you can retrieve by calling the member function nested_ptr() or rethrow by calling the member function rethrow_nested(). An attempt to rethrow a null nested_ptr() instead calls terminate().


void rethrow_exception(exception_ptr ptr); [does not return] [added with C++11]

The function uses the exception pointer ptr to rethrow an earlier thrown exception.

rethrow_exception never returns to its caller.


template<class Ex>
	void rethrow_if_nested(const Ex& ex); [added with C++11]

The function calls ex.rethrow_nested() if ex is publicly derived from nested_exception. Otherwise it does nothing.


    set_terminate(terminate_handler pnew) throw();

The function establishes a new terminate handler as the function *pnew. Thus, pnew must not be a null pointer. The function returns the address of the previous terminate handler.


    set_unexpected(unexpected_handler pnew) throw(); [deprecated with C++11]

The function establishes a new unexpected handler as the function *pnew. Thus, pnew must not be a null pointer. The function returns the address of the previous unexpected handler.


void terminate() noexcept; [does not return]

The function calls a terminate handler, a function of type void (). If terminate is called directly by the program, the terminate handler is the one most recently set by a call to set_terminate. If terminate is called for any of several other reasons during evaluation of a throw expression, the terminate handler is the one in effect immediately after evaluating the throw expression.

A terminate handler must not return to its caller. At program startup, the terminate handler is a function that calls abort().


typedef void (*terminate_handler)();

The type describes a pointer to a function suitable for use as a terminate handler.


template<class Ty>
	void throw_with_nested(Ty&& val); [does not return] [added with C++11]

The function throws forward<remove_reference<Ty>>(val) if Ty is derived from nested_exception or is not suitable for use as a base class. Otherwise it throws an object that contains both the base class nested_exception, default initialized, and the base class Ty, initialized with forward<remove_reference<Ty>>(val).

throw_with_nested never returns to its caller.


bool uncaught_exception();

The function returns true only if a thrown exception is being currently processed. Specifically, it returns true after completing evaluation of a throw expression and before completing initialization of the exception declaration in the matching handler or calling unexpected as a result of the throw expression.


void unexpected(); [does not return] [deprecated with C++11]

The function calls an unexpected handler, a function of type void (). If unexpected is called directly by the program, the unexpected handler is the one most recently set by a call to set_unexpected. If unexpected is called when control leaves a function by a thrown exception of a type not permitted by an exception specification for the function, as in:

void func() throw()   // function may throw no exceptions
    {throw "bad"; }   // throw calls unexpected()

the unexpected handler is the one in effect immediately after evaluating the throw expression.

An unexpected handler must not return to its caller. It may terminate execution by:

At program startup, the unexpected handler is a function that calls terminate().


typedef void (*unexpected_handler)();unexpected_handler

The type describes a pointer to a function suitable for use as an unexpected handler.

See also the Table of Contents and the Index.

Copyright © 1992-2013 by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.