BSP directory structure

The information below should help you find files you need in a BSP.

BSP directories

When a BSP is extracted from its zip file, it is organized into the following directories:

Directory for the QNX IFS, which is the image suitable for running on the target device. Any other related binaries (such as an IPL or combined IPL/IFS image) are also created in this directory. In addition, the generated IFS buildfile will also reside in this directory after the BSP builds. By default, this directory also contains a prebuilt OS image.
Location to which the contents of the bsp_base_dir/prebuilt directory are copied when a BSP is built. Any binaries generated as a result of building the BSP source (contained in the BSP's bsp_base_dir/src directory) are also copied to the bsp_base_dir/install directory. (The mkifs utility will gather its content from the deployment directory and its subdirectories.)
Various header files necessary for building the source components of the BSP, as well as prebuilt binaries or libraries whose source code is not included with the BSP.
The source code for device drivers, libraries, and utilities.

Location of key files

After you build the BSP, you'll find key files in the following locations, where $BSP_ROOT_DIR is the name of the directory you extracted the BSP archive in, and $CPU_VARIANT is the CPU architecture for which the BSP is designed (e.g., armle-v7 or x86):

File(s) Location
Buildfile (core OS) $BSP_ROOT_DIR/images
IPL $BSP_ROOT_DIR/install/$CPU_VARIANT/boot/sys
Note: The files in this location are generated only when you run mkflashimage.
Libraries (DLL drivers), such as audio, graphics, and network $BSP_ROOT_DIR/install/$CPU_VARIANT/lib/dll
Note: The files in this location are generated only when you compile the libraries.
Generic header files (not architecture-specific) $BSP_ROOT_DIR/install/usr/include
Source code for different drivers (sbin drivers), such as serial, flash, block, PCI, PCMCIA, and USB $BSP_ROOT_DIR/install/$CPU_VARIANT/sbin