Create a child window

You can use the screen_create_window_type() function to create a child window.

To create a child window:
  1. Create a variable for each of the context and window instances.
    screen_context_t    screen_context = 0;
    screen_window_t     screen_child_window = 0;
  2. Create a context. The context describes the relationship between the application and the underlying windowing system.
    screen_create_context(&screen_context, SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT);
  3. Create a child window. The screen_create_window_type() function takes the window and context variables and an integer representing the window type. In this case, the window is of type SCREEN_CHILD_WINDOW.
    int wintype = SCREEN_CHILD_WINDOW;
    screen_create_window_type(&screen_child_window, screen_context, wintype );
  4. Join a window group. The window_group_name should be the name of the window group created by the parent (or main) window through the screen_create_window_group() function.
    screen_join_window_group(screen_child_window, window_group_name);