
Specifies parameters for retrieving extended metadata and returns extended metadata read.


#include <qplayer/qplayer.h>

namespace QPlayer {

    class ExtendedMetadataCommand : public BaseCommand


        explicit ExtendedMetadataCommand( 
                                    int mediaSourceId,
                                    QString mediaNodeId, 
                                    QStringList properties );
        inline QHash< QString, QVariant > result()
            return m_result;
        inline void setResult( 
                const QHash< QString, QVariant > result )
            m_result = result;
        int mediaSourceId() const;
        QString mediaNodeId() const;
        QStringList properties() const;

        void complete( ExtendedMetadataCommand *command );

        void error( ExtendedMetadataCommand *command );





Specifies parameters for retrieving extended metadata and returns extended metadata read. Here, extended metadata refers to nonstandard metadata fields, such as the URL of a media node. When creating an ExtendedMetadataCommand object, you must specify the extended metadata fields to read as well as the IDs of the media node being read and of the media source where the node is located.

When the underlying player has finished retrieving the extended metadata from a media node, the object emits a complete signal to notify clients that the extended metadata can now be read. Clients can then call the result() method to retrieve the extended metadata. Although not essential for helping users locate and play media files, extended metadata provides additional information to assist with browsing and accessing content on media sources.

If the getExtendedMetadata() command fails, the object emits an error signal. You can then call errorMessage() to retrieve a QString describing the error.