Root directory

The root directory follows the bitmap blocks.

The root directory is a "normal" directory (see the "Directories" section), with two exceptions:

The dinit utility creates this directory with initially enough room for 32 directory entries (4 blocks).

The root directory (/) contains directory entries for several special files that always exist in a QNX 4 filesystem. The dinit utility creates these files when the filesystem is first initialized.

Figure 1. Contents of the root directory, /.

File Description
/. A link to the / directory
/.. Also a link to the / directory
/.bitmap Represents a read-only file that contains a map of all the blocks on the disk, indicating which blocks are used.
/.inodes A normal file of at least one block on a floppy/RAM disk and 16 blocks on other disks, /.inodes is a collection of inode entries. The first entry is reserved and used as a signature/info area. The first bytes of the .inode file are set to IamTHE.inodeFILE.
/.longfilenames An optional file that stores information about files whose names are longer than 48 characters; see "QNX 4 filesystem" in Working with Filesystems.
/.boot Represents an OS image file that will be loaded into memory during the standard boot process. This file will be of zero length if no boot file exists.
/.altboot Represents an OS image file that will be loaded into memory during the alternate boot process. This file will be of zero length if no alternate boot file exists.