How do I create a partition?

Regardless of which BSP you're working with, the procedure requires that you:

  1. Start the flash filesystem driver.
  2. Erase the entire flash.
  3. Format the partition.
  4. Slay the flash filesystem driver.
  5. Restart the flash filesystem driver.

For example, this is what you might have to do for a board than can be booted from DMON or flash:

  1. To boot from DMON, enter the following command to start the flash filesystem driver:
    devf-generic -s0xe8000000,32M &
  2. To boot from flash, enter the following command to start the flash system driver:
    devf-generic -s0x0,32M

    You should now see an fs0p0 entry under /dev.

  3. To prepare the area for the partition, you must erase the entire flash. Enter the following command:
    flashctl -p/dev/fs0 -ev
  4. To format the partition, enter the following command:
    flashctl -p/dev/fs0p0 -f
  5. Now slay the flash filesystem driver:
    slay devf-generic
  6. Finally, restart the driver:
    devf-generic &

You should now see the following entries:

Entry Description
/dev/fs0p0 OS image (32 MB)
/dev/fs0p1 Flash filesystem partition (32 MB)