Command line for mm-player

Start the multimedia player service


mm-player [-b] [-c config_file] [-p dir] [-P priority]
    [-s service] [-U u[:g,...]] [-v] 


Run the mm-player process in the foreground (and not in the background). This option is handy for debugging, because it makes mm-player log messages to standard error in addition to sloginfo.

By default, mm-player runs in the background.

-c config_file
Specify an overridden path for the configuration file.

By default, mm-player uses the file at /etc/mm-player.cfg, but you can provide a path to any other valid configuration file.

-p dir
Specify a directory location for outputting the player state information (in PPS objects).

The default location is /pps/services/mm-player/.

-P priority
Set the priority of the mm-player process. When your system is busy running many applications, the priority level can have a considerable impact on the user experience when browsing and playing media.

The valid range is 1 to 63; the default is 15.

-s service
Specify the name of the mm-player server that receives media commands from the client library.

The server name must be in the form name.provider. The default name is mm-player.sys.

-U u[:g,...]
Run mm-player with the given user ID (uid) and possibly one or many group IDs (gids).
By default, mm-player inherits the caller's uid and gids, which means it runs as root because the service is started during bootup by SLM.
Increase output verbosity. Messages are written to sloginfo. The -v option is cumulative, so you can add several v's to increase verbosity, up to seven levels.
Output verbosity is handy when you're trying to understand the operation of mm-player. However, when lots of -v arguments are used, the logging becomes quite significant and can change timing noticeably. The verbosity setting is good for systems under development but probably shouldn't be used in production systems or during performance testing.


The mm-player command starts the multimedia player service, which processes media browsing and playback commands sent through its C API. Client applications can invoke mm-player to obtain a list of available media sources, explore the filesytems and read media metadata from those media sources, and select tracks for playback.

Through command options, you can change the configuration filepath (to use a nondefault configuration) and the player state output directory (to output state information to another PPS directory). You can also assign a user ID, multiple group IDs, the priority level, and the debugging output level to the mm-player process.

Once started, mm-player can't adjust any of these settings. To reconfigure mm-player, you must restart it with a different command line. The command line is contained in the SLM configuration file, located at /etc/slm-config-all.xml.