Compiler tab

The Compiler tab fields change depending on your selection in the Category dropdown list at the top:

General options

Compiler type
The first item to specify is a compiler type (automatically detected by the IDE), such as GCC 4.6. Note that selecting Default is different from selecting the version that happens to be the default.
Output options
Here you can specify the warning level (0 to 9), which is the threshold level of warning messages that the compiler outputs. You can also choose to have the preprocessor output intermediate code to a file; the IDE names the output file your_source_file.i (C) or your_source_file.ii (C++), using the name of your source file as the base name.
Code generation
For the Optimization level, you can specify four levels: from 0 (no optimization) to 3 (most optimization).
Dependency checking
Lets you set the dependency checking policy for the compiler. You can click one of the radio buttons for None, User Headers Only, or All Headers.
Here you can specify the list of compiler defines to pass to the compiler on the command line in the form -D name[=value]. You don't have to bother with the -D part; the IDE adds it automatically.
Other options
Here you can specify any other command-line options that aren't already covered in the Compiler tab. For more information on the compiler's command-line options, see qcc in the Utilities Reference.
The content that you type in this field appears in the Compilation options box below.

Extra source paths

If you want to specify source locations other than your project's root directory, select this category. The tab displays a list area for entering the source locations. You can use these buttons to help specify locations:
  • Project… — You can add source from another project in your current workspace. Note that the IDE uses relocatable notation, so even if other team members have different workspace locations, they can all work successfully without having to make any additional project adjustments.
  • QNX target… — You can add source from anywhere in or below the ${QNX_TARGET} directory on your host.
  • Disk… — You can choose to add source from anywhere in your host's filesystem.

There are also buttons for deleting entries and moving them up or down in the list.

Extra include paths

You can select this category to specify a list of directories where the compiler should look for include files. The list area and buttons shown here work the same as for Extra source paths. The Up and Down buttons are useful if you have more than one header file with the same name.