
addressof · allocate_shared · allocator · allocator_arg · allocator_arg_t · allocator_traits · auto_ptr · auto_ptr_ref · bad_weak_ptr · const_pointer_cast · default_delete · default_delete<Ty> · dynamic_pointer_cast · enable_shared_from_this · get_deleter · get_temporary_buffer · hash · make_shared · operator!== · operator== · operator< · operator> · operator<= · operator>= · operator<< · owner_less · pointer_traits · raw_storage_iterator · shared_ptr · static_pointer_cast · swap · uninitialized_copy · uninitialized_copy_n · uninitialized_fill · uninitialized_fill_n · unique_ptr · unique_ptr<Ty, Del> · uses_allocator · weak_ptr

atomic_compare_exchange_strong · atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit · atomic_compare_exchange_weak · atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit · atomic_exchange · atomic_exchange_explicit · atomic_is_lock_free · atomic_load · atomic_load_explicit · atomic_store · atomic_store_explicit

declare_no_pointers · declare_reachable · get_pointer_safety · pointer_safety · undeclare_no_pointers · undeclare_reachable

Include the STL standard header <memory> to define numerous classes, operators, and templates that help manage memory.

namespace std {
template<class Ty>
    class allocator;
    class allocator<void>;
template<class OutIt, class Ty>
    class raw_storage_iterator;
template<class Ty>
    class auto_ptr;
template<class Ty>
    class auto_ptr_ref;

template<class Ty>
    bool operator==(const allocator<Ty>& left,
        const allocator<Ty>& right);
template<class Ty>
    bool operator!=(const allocator<Ty>& left,
        const allocator<Ty>& right);

template<class Ty>
    Ty *addressof(Ty& val) noexcept; [added with C++11]

template<class Ty>
    pair<Ty *, ptrdiff_t>
        get_temporary_buffer(ptrdiff_t count) noexcept;
template<class Ty>
    void return_temporary_buffer(Ty *pbuf);

template<class InIt, class FwdIt>
    FwdIt uninitialized_copy(InIt first, InIt last,
        FwdIt dest);
template<class InIt, class Diff, class FwdIt>
    FwdIt uninitialized_copy_n(InIt first, Diff count,
        FwdIt dest); [added with C++11]
template<class FwdIt, class Ty>
    void uninitialized_fill(FwdIt first, FwdIt last,
        const Ty& val);
template<class FwdIt, class Size, class Ty>
    FwdIt uninitialized_fill_n(FwdIt first, Size count,
        const Ty& val);

template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    struct default_delete;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    struct default_delete<Ty[]>;

template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    class unique_ptr;
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    class unique_ptr<Ty[], Del>;

template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    class hash<unique_ptr<Ty, Del>> {
    size_t operator()(unique_ptr<Ty, Del> val) const;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right);

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2, Delgt;& right);

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right);

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right);

template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    void swap(unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
        unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty>
    class shared_ptr;

template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    class hash<shared_ptr<Ty>> {
    size_t operator()(shared_ptr<Ty> val) const;

template<class Ty>
    bool atomic_is_lock_free(const shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr);
template<class Ty>
    shared_ptr<Ty> atomic_load(const shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr);
template<class Ty>
    shared_ptr<Ty> atomic_load_explicit(const shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        memory_order Order);
template<class Ty>
    void atomic_store(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> Other);
template<class Ty>
    void atomic_store_explicit(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> Other, memory_order Order);
template<class Ty>
    shared_ptr<Ty> atomic_exchange(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> Other);
template<class Ty>
    shared_ptr<Ty> atomic_exchange_explicit(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> Other, memory_order Order);
template<class Ty>
    bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> *Expected, shared_ptr<Ty> Value);
template<class Ty>
    bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> *Expected, shared_ptr<Ty> Value,
        memory_order Order1, memory_order Order2);
template<class Ty>
    bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> *Expected, shared_ptr<Ty> Value);
template<class Ty>
    bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> *Expected, shared_ptr<Ty> Value,
        memory_order Order1, memory_order Order2);

template<class Ty1, class Ty2>
    bool operator==(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Ty2>
    bool operator!=(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Ty2>
    bool operator<(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Ty2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Ty2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Ty2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Elem, class Tr, class Ty>
    basic_ostream<Elem, Tr>& operator<<(
        basic_ostream<Elem, Tr>& out,
        const shared_ptr<Ty>& sp);

template<class Ty>
    void swap(shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        shared_ptr<Ty>& right) noexcept;

template<class D, class Ty>
    D *get_deleter(const shared_ptr<Ty>& sp);

template<class Ty>
    class weak_ptr;

//template<class Ty1, class Ty2> [removed with C++11]
//    bool operator<(const weak_ptr<Ty1>& left,
//        const weak_ptr<Ty2>& right);
template<class Ty>
    void swap(weak_ptr<Ty>& left,
        weak_ptr<Ty>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty>
    class enable_shared_from_this;
class bad_weak_ptr;

struct allocator_arg_t;
constexpr allocator_arg_t allocator_arg =

template<class Ptr>
    struct pointer_traits; [added with C++11]
template<class Alloc>
    struct allocator_traits; [added with C++11]
template<class Ty, class Alloc>
    struct uses_allocator; [added with C++11]

template<class Ty, class Other>
        const_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp);
template<class Ty, class Other>
        dynamic_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp);
template<class Ty, class Other>
        static_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp);

template<class Ty, class... Types>
    shared_ptr<Ty> make_shared(Types&&... args); [added with C++11]
template<class Ty, class Alloc, class... Types>
    shared_ptr<Ty> allocate_shared(Alloc al, Types&&... args); [added with C++11]

        // FUNCTIONS
void *align(size_t alignment, size_t size,
    void *& ptr, size_t& space); [added with C++11]
    namespace tr1 {
using std::allocate_shared; using std::bad_weak_ptr; [added with C++11]
using std::const_pointer_cast; using std::dynamic_pointer_cast;
using std::enable_shared_from_this; using std::get_deleter;
using std::hash; using std::shared_ptr;
using std::static_pointer_cast; using std::unique_ptr;
using std::weak_ptr;
    } // namespace tr1

        // FUNCTORS
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    struct owner_less; // not defined
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    struct owner_less<shared_ptr<Ty> >;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    struct owner_less<weak_ptr<Ty> >;

enum pointer_safety { [added with C++11]
    relaxed, preferred, strict

void declare_reachable(void *ptr); [added with C++11]
template<class Ty>
    _Ty *undeclare_reachable(void *ptr); [added with C++11]
void declare_no_pointers(char *ptr, size_t size); [added with C++11]
void undeclare_no_pointers(char *ptr, size_t size); [added with C++11]
pointer_safety get_pointer_safety() noexcept; [added with C++11]
}  // namespace std


template<class Ty>
    Ty *addressof(Ty& val) noexcept;

The template function returns the address of val.


void *align(size_t alignment, size_t size,
    void *& ptr, size_t& space); [added with C++11]

The function determines whether space bytes of storage aligned to alignment (a power of two bytes) can be located within the size-byte buffer beginning at ptr. If so, it updates ptr to point just past the first available instance of such aligned storage, reduces space to the number of bytes remaining after the aligned storage, and returns the address of the beginning of the aligned storage. If not, it leaves ptr and space unchanged and returns a null pointer.


template<class Ty, class Alloc, class... Types>
    shared_ptr<Ty> allocate_shared(Alloc al, Types&&... args); [added with C++11]

The function creates the object shared_ptr<Ty>ptr, where ptr is a pointer to Ty(args...) as allocated and constructed by al.


template<class Ty>
    class allocator {
    typedef Ty value_type;

    typedef size_t size_type;
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;

    typedef Ty *pointer;
    typedef const Ty *const_pointer;
    typedef void *void_pointer; [added with C++11]
    typedef const void *const_void_pointer; [added with C++11]

    typedef Ty& reference;
    typedef const Ty& const_reference;

    Ty *address(reference val) const noexcept;
    const Ty *address(const_reference val) const noexcept;

    template<class Other>
        struct rebind;

    allocator() throw();
    template<class Other>
        allocator(const allocator<Other>& right) throw();
    template<class Other>
        allocator& operator=(const allocator<Other>& right);

    pointer allocate(size_type count,
        typename allocator<void>::const_pointer *hint = 0);
    void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_type count);

    void construct(Ty *ptr, const Ty& val);
    template<class Uty, class Types>
        void construct(Uty *ptr, Types&&... args); [added with C++11]
    void destroy(Ty *ptr);
    template<class Uty>
        void destroy(Uty *ptr); [added with C++11]

    size_type max_size() const throw();

The template class describes an object that manages storage allocation and freeing for arrays of objects of non-const, non-reference, object type Ty. An object of class allocator is the default allocator object specified in the constructors for several container template classes in the Standard C++ library.

Template class allocator supplies several type definitions that are rather pedestrian, but another class with the same members might choose more interesting alternatives. Constructing a container with an allocator object of such a class gives individual control over allocation and freeing of elements controlled by that container.

For example, an allocator object might allocate storage on a private heap. Or it might allocate storage requiring nonstandard pointers to access the allocated objects. Hence, a class that allocates storage using an allocator object should use these types religiously (as do the containers in the Standard C++ library) for declaring pointer objects, for allocating storage, and for freeing storage.

Thus, an allocator defines the types (among others):

These types specify the form that pointers take for allocated elements. Note that allocator::pointer is not necessarily a raw pointer (an object that can be declared as Ty *) for all allocator objects, even though it has this obvious definition for class allocator. You can convert any of these pointer types to raw pointers, but you cannot necessarily convert raw pointers back to these pointer types. The set of operations permissible for allocator pointers is described by the template class pointer_traits.


Ty *address(reference val) const noexcept;
const Ty *address(const_reference val) const noexcept;

The member functions return the address of val, as a raw pointer.


pointer allocate(size_type count,
    typename allocator<void>::const_pointer *hint = 0);

The member function allocates storage for an array of count elements of type Ty, by calling operator new(count). It returns a pointer to the allocated object. The hint argument helps some allocators in improving locality of reference -- a valid choice is the address of an object earlier allocated by the same allocator object, and not yet deallocated. A null pointer argument is taken as no hint.


allocator() throw();
template<class Other>
    allocator(const allocator<Other>& right) throw();

The constructor does nothing. In general, however, an allocator object constructed from another allocator object should compare equal to it (and hence permit intermixing of object allocation and freeing between the two allocator objects).


typedef const Ty *const_pointer;

The pointer type describes an object ptr that can designate, via the expression *ptr, any const object that an object of template class allocator can allocate.


typedef const Ty& const_reference;

The reference type describes a reference to a const object.


typedef const void *const_void_pointer; [added with C++11]

The pointer type describes an object ptr that can represent any object of type const_pointer, but does not designate any object.


void construct(Ty *ptr, const Ty& val);
template<class Uty, class Types>
    void construct(Uty *ptr, Types&&... args); [added with C++11]

The first member function constructs an object of type Ty at ptr by evaluating the placement new expression new ((void *)ptr) Ty(val).

The second member function behaves the same as the first, but can construct an object of any type Uty, with any constructor arguments Types&&....


void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_type count);

The member function frees storage for the array of count objects of type Ty beginning at ptr, by calling operator delete(ptr). The pointer ptr must have been earlier returned by a call to allocate for an allocator object that compares equal to *this, allocating an array object of the same size and type.

The member function throws nothing.


void destroy(Ty *ptr);
template<class Uty>
    void destroy(Uty *ptr); [added with C++11]

The first member function destroys the object designated by ptr, by calling the destructor ptr->Ty::~Ty().

The second member function behaves the same as the first, but can destroy an object of any type Uty.


typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;

The signed integer type describes an object that can represent the difference between the addresses of any two elements in a sequence that an object of template class allocator can allocate.


size_type max_size() const throw();

The member function returns the length of the longest sequence of elements of type Ty that an object of class allocator might be able to allocate.


template<class Other>
    allocator& operator=(const allocator<Other>& right);

The template assignment operator does nothing. In general, however, an allocator object assigned to another allocator object should compare equal to it (and hence permit intermixing of object allocation and freeing between the two allocator objects).


typedef Ty *pointer;

The pointer type describes an object ptr that can designate, via the expression *ptr, any object that an object of template class allocator can allocate.


template<class Other>
    struct rebind {
    typedef allocator<Other> other;

The member template class defines the type other. Its sole purpose is to provide the type name allocator<Other> given the type name allocator<Ty>.

For example, given an allocator object al of type A, you can allocate an object of type Other with the expression:

A::rebind<Other>::other(al).allocate(1, (Other *)0)

Or, you can simply name its pointer type by writing the type:



typedef Ty& reference;

The reference type describes an object that can designate any object that an object of template class allocator can allocate.


typedef size_t size_type;

The unsigned integer type describes an object that can represent the length of any sequence that an object of template class allocator can allocate.


typedef Ty value_type;

The type is a synonym for the template parameter Ty.


typedef void *void_pointer; [added with C++11]

The pointer type describes an object ptr that can represent any object of type pointer, but does not designate any object.


    class allocator<void> {
    typedef void *pointer;
    typedef const void *const_pointer;
    typedef void value_type;
    template<class Other>
        struct rebind;
    allocator() throw();
    template<class Other>
        allocator(const allocator<Other>) throw();
    template<class Other>
        allocator<void>& operator=(const allocator<Other>);

The class explicitly specializes template class allocator for type void. Its constructors and assignment operator behave the same as for the template class, but it defines only the types const_pointer, pointer, value_type, and the nested template class rebind.


constexpr allocator_arg_t allocator_arg =

The object is used as a function argument to match the parameter type allocator_arg_t.


struct allocator_arg_t {};

The struct is used as a function parameter to indicate that the function should expect an allocator argument to follow.


template<class Alloc>
    class allocator_traits { [added with C++11]
    typedef Alloc allocator_type;
    typedef typename Alloc::value_type value_type;

    typedef T1 pointer;
    typedef T2 const_pointer;
    typedef T3 void_pointer;
    typedef T4 const_void_pointer;

    typedef T5 size_type;
    typedef T6 difference_type;

    typedef T7 propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;
    typedef T8 propagate_on_container_move_assignment;
    typedef T9 propagate_on_container_swap;

    template<class Other>
        using rebind_alloc = T10;
    template<class Other>
        using rebind_traits = allocator_traits<rebind_alloc<Other> >;

    static pointer allocate(Alloc& al, size_type count);
    static pointer allocate(Alloc& al, size_type count,
        typename allocator_traits<void>::const_pointer *hint);
    static void deallocate(Alloc& al,
        pointer ptr, size_type count);

    template<class Uty, class Types>
        static void construct(Alloc& al, Uty *ptr, Tyes&&... args);
    template<class Uty>
        static void destroy(Alloc& al, Uty *ptr);

    static size_type max_size(const Alloc& al);
    static Alloc select_on_container_copy_construction(const Alloc& al);

The template class describes an object that supplements an allocator type -- any type that describes an allocator object used for managing allocated storage. Specifically, for any allocator type Alloc, you can interrogate allocator_traits<Alloc> to determine all the information needed by an allocator enabled container. This is a superset of the information supplied by the default allocator class allocator.

In fact, given an allocator type as simple as:

template<class Ty>
    struct Minimal
    {   // minimal allocator for use with allocator_traits
    typedef _Ty value_type;

    template<class Uty>
        Alloc(const Alloc<Uty> other);
    Ty *allocate(size_t count);
    void deallocate(Ty *ptr, size_t count);

allocator_traits<Minimal<Ty> > can make educated guesses about all the omitted type definitions and member functions required by an allocator enabled container.


typedef Alloc allocator_type;

The type is a synonym for Alloc.


static pointer allocate(Alloc& al, size_type count);
static pointer allocate(Alloc& al, size_type count,
    typename allocator_traits<void>::const_pointer *hint);

The first static member function returns al.allocate(al). The second returns al.allocate(al, hint), if that expression is well formed; otherwise it returns al.allocate(al).


typedef T2 const_pointer;

The type is a synonym for the type T2, which is Alloc::const_pointer if that type is well formed; otherwise it is pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const value_type>.


typedef T3 const_void_pointer;

The type is a synonym for the type T4, which is Alloc::const_void_pointer if that type is well formed; otherwise it is pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const void>.


template<class Uty, class Types>
    static void construct(Alloc& al, Uty *ptr, Tyes&&... args);

The static member function calls al.construct(ptr, args...), if that expression is well formed; otherwise it evaluates ::new (static_cast<void *>(ptr)) Uty(std::forward<Types>(args)...).


static void deallocate(Alloc al,
    pointer ptr, size_type count);

The static member function calls al.deallocate(ptr, count).

The member function throws nothing.


template<class Uty>
    static void destroy(Alloc& al, Uty *ptr);

The static member function calls al.destroy(ptr), if that expression is well formed; otherwise it evaluates ptr->~Uty().


typedef T6 difference_type;

The type is a synonym for the type T6, which is Alloc::difference_type if that type is well formed; otherwise it is pointer_traits<pointer>::difference_type.


static size_type max_size(const Alloc& al);

The static member function returns al.max_size(), if that expression is well formed; otherwise it returns numeric_limits<size_type>::max().


typedef T1 pointer;

The type is a synonym for the type T1, which is Alloc::pointer if that type is well formed; otherwise it is value_type *.


typedef T7 propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;

The type is a synonym for the type T7, which is Alloc::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment if that type is well formed; otherwise it is false_type.

If the type holds true, an allocator enabled container copies its stored allocator on a copy assignment.


typedef T8 propagate_on_container_move_assignment;

The type is a synonym for the type T8, which is Alloc::propagate_on_container_move_assignment if that type is well formed; otherwise it is false_type.

If the type holds true, an allocator enabled container copies its stored allocator on a move assignment.


typedef T7 propagate_on_container_swap;

The type is a synonym for the type T7, which is Alloc::propagate_on_container_swap if that type is well formed; otherwise it is false_type.

If the type holds true, an allocator enabled container swaps its stored allocator on a swap.


template<class Other>
    using rebind_alloc = T10;

The template alias is a synonym for the type T10, which is Alloc::rebind<Other>::other if that type is well formed; otherwise it is Alloc<Other, Types...>, where Alloc is a template instantiation of the form Alloc<Ty, Types...>.


template<class Other>
    using rebind_traits = allocator_traits<rebind_alloc<Other> >;

The template alias is a synonym for the type allocator_traits<rebind_alloc<Other> >.


static Alloc select_on_container_copy_construction(const Alloc& al);

The static member function returns al.select_on_container_copy_construction(), if that type is well formed; otherwise it returns al.

An allocator enabled container copies its stored allocator on a copy construction.


typedef T5 size_type;

The type is a synonym for the type T5, which is Alloc::size_type if that type is well formed; otherwise it is make_unsigned<difference_type>::type.


typedef Alloc::value_type value_type;

The type is a synonym for Alloc::value_type.


typedef T3 void_pointer;

The type is a synonym for the type T3, which is Alloc::void_pointer if that type is well formed; otherwise it is pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<void>.


template <class Ty>
    bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> *Expected, shared_ptr<Ty> Value);

The function returns atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(Ptr, Expected, Value, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst). Ptr and Expected must not be null pointers.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> *Expected, shared_ptr<Ty> Value,
        memory_order Order1, memory_order Order2);

The function performs an atomic compare and exchange operation on its arguments and returns the result. The value of order2 should not be memory_order_release or memory_order_acq_rel, nor should it be stronger than the value of order1. Ptr and Expected must not be null pointers.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> *Expected, shared_ptr<Ty> Value);

The function returns atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(Ptr, Expected, Value, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst). Ptr and Expected must not be null pointers.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> *Expected, shared_ptr<Ty> Value,
        memory_order Order1, memory_order Order2);

The function performs a weak atomic compare and exchange operation on its arguments and returns the result. The value of order2 should not be memory_order_release or memory_order_acq_rel, nor should it be stronger than the value of order1. Ptr and Expected must not be null pointers.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    shared_ptr<Ty> atomic_exchange(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> Other);

The function returns atomic_exchange_explicit(Ptr, Other). Ptr must not be a null pointer.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    shared_ptr<Ty> atomic_exchange_explicit(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> Other, memory_order Order);

The function atomically assigns Other to *Ptr and returns the value that *Ptr had on entry. It applies the memory constraints specified by Order, and is a read-modify-write operation. Ptr must not be a null pointer.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    bool atomic_is_lock_free(const shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr);

The function returns true only if atomic operations on *Ptr are lock free. Ptr must not be a null pointer.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    shared_ptr<Ty> atomic_load(const shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr);

The function returns atomic_load_explicit(Ptr, memory_order_seq_cst). Ptr must not be a null pointer.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    shared_ptr<Ty> atomic_load_explicit(const shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        memory_order Order);

The function atomically loads the value of *Ptr and returns the result. It applies the memory contraints specified by Order. The value of Order should not be memory_order_release or memory_order_acq_rel. Ptr must not be a null pointer.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    void atomic_store(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> Other);

The function calls atomic_store_explicit(Ptr, Other, memory_order_seq_cst). Ptr must not be a null pointer.

The function throws nothing.


template <class Ty>
    void atomic_store_explicit(shared_ptr<Ty> *Ptr,
        shared_ptr<Ty> Other, memory_order Order);

The function atomically stores Other in *Ptr. It applies the memory contraints specified by Order. The value of Order should not be memory_order_consume, memory_order_acquire, or memory_order_acq_rel. Ptr must not be a null pointer.

The function throws nothing.


template<class Ty>
    class auto_ptr { [deprecated with C++11]
    typedef Ty element_type;
    explicit auto_ptr(Ty *ptr = 0) throw();
    auto_ptr(auto_ptr<Ty>& right) throw();
    template<class Other>
        auto_ptr(auto_ptr<Other>& right) throw();
    auto_ptr(auto_ptr_ref<Ty> right) throw();
    template<class Other>
        operator auto_ptr<Other>() throw();
    template<class Other>
        operator auto_ptr_ref<Other>() throw();
    template<class Other>
        auto_ptr<Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr<Other>& right) throw();
    auto_ptr<Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr<Ty>& right) throw();
    auto_ptr<Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr_ref<Ty> right) throw();
    Ty& operator*() const throw();
    Ty *operator->() const throw();
    Ty *get() const throw();
    Ty *release() throw();
    void reset(Ty *ptr = 0);

The class describes an object that stores a pointer to an allocated object myptr of type Ty *. The stored pointer must either be null or designate an object allocated by a new expression. An object constructed with a non-null pointer owns the pointer. It transfers ownership if its stored value is assigned to another object. (It replaces the stored value after a transfer with a null pointer.) The destructor for auto_ptr<Ty> deletes the allocated object if it owns it. Hence, an object of class auto_ptr<Ty> ensures that an allocated object is automatically deleted when control leaves a block, even via a thrown exception. You should not construct two auto_ptr<Ty> objects that own the same object.

You can pass an auto_ptr<Ty> object by value as an argument to a function call. You can return such an object by value as well. (Both operations depend on the implicit construction of intermediate objects of class auto_ptr_ref<Ty>, by various subtle conversion rules.) You cannot, however, reliably manage a sequence of auto_ptr<Ty> objects with an STL container.


explicit auto_ptr(Ty *ptr = 0) throw();
auto_ptr(auto_ptr<Ty>& right) throw();
auto_ptr(auto_ptr_ref<Ty> right) throw();
template<class Other>
    auto_ptr(auto_ptr<Other>& right) throw();

The first constructor stores ptr in myptr, the stored pointer to the allocated object. The second constructor transfers ownership of the pointer stored in right, by storing right.release() in myptr. The third constructor behaves the same as the second, except that it stores right.ref.release() in myptr, where ref is the reference stored in right.

The template constructor behaves the same as the second constructor, provided that a pointer to Other can be implicitly converted to a pointer to Ty.



The destructor evaluates the expression delete myptr to delete the object designated by the stored pointer.


typedef Ty element_type;

The type is a synonym for the template parameter Ty.


Ty *get() const throw();

The member function returns the stored pointer myptr.


template<class Other>
    auto_ptr<Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr<Other>& right) throw();
auto_ptr<Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr<>& right) throw();
auto_ptr<Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr_ref<>& right) throw();

The assignment evaluates the expression delete myptr, but only if the stored pointer myptr changes as a result of the assignment. It then transfers ownership of the pointer designated by right, by storing right.release() in myptr. (The last assignment behaves as if right designates the reference it stores.) The function returns *this.


Ty& operator*() const throw();

The indirection operator returns *get(). Hence, the stored pointer must not be null.


Ty *operator->() const throw();

The selection operator returns get(), so that the expression ap->member behaves the same as (ap.get())->member, where ap is an object of class auto_ptr<Ty>. Hence, the stored pointer must not be null, and Ty must be a class, structure, or union type with a member member.

auto_ptr::operator auto_ptr<Other>

template<class Other>
    operator auto_ptr<Other>() throw();

The type cast operator returns auto_ptr<Other>(*this).

auto_ptr::operator auto_ptr_ref<Other>

template<class Other>
    operator auto_ptr_ref<Other>() throw();

The type cast operator returns auto_ptr_ref<Other>(*this).


Ty *release() throw();

The member replaces the stored pointer myptr with a null pointer and returns the previously stored pointer.


void reset(Ty *ptr = 0);

The member function evaluates the expression delete myptr, but only if the stored pointer value myptr changes as a result of function call. It then replaces the stored pointer with ptr.


template<class Ty>
    struct auto_ptr_ref {

The class describes an object that stores a reference to an object of class auto_ptr<Ty>. It is used as a helper class for auto_ptr<Ty>. You should not have an occasion to construct an auto_ptr_ref<Ty> object directly.


class bad_weak_ptr  [added with C++11]
    : public exception {
    bad_weak_ptr() noexcept;
    const char *what() throw();

The class describes an exception that can be thrown from the shared_ptr constructor that takes an argument of type weak_ptr. The member function what returns "bad_weak_ptr".


template <class Ty, class Other>  [added with C++11]
        const_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp) noexcept;

The template function returns an empty shared_ptr object if const_cast<Ty*>(sp.get()) returns a null pointer; otherwise it returns a shared_ptr<Ty> object that owns the resource that is owned by sp. The expression const_cast<Ty*>(sp.get()) must be valid.


void declare_no_pointers(char *ptr, size_t size); [added with C++11]

The function informs any garbage collector that the range of addresses [ptr, ptr + size) no longer contain traceable pointers. (Any pointers to allocated storage must not be dereferenced unless made reachable.)

The function throws nothing.


void declare_reachable(void *ptr); [added with C++11]

If ptr is not null, the function informs any garbage collector that ptr is hereafter reachable (points to valid allocated storage).


template<class Ty>
    struct default_delete {  [added with C++11]
    constexpr default_delete() noexcept = default;
    template<class Other>
        default_delete(const default_delete<Other>&) noexcept;
    void operator()(Ty *ptr) const;

The template class describes a deleter that deletes scalar objects allocated with operator new, suitable for use with template class unique_ptr. It also has the explicit specialization default_delete<Ty[]>.


constexpr default_delete() noexcept = default;
template<class Other>
    default_delete(const default_delete<Other>&) noexcept;

The constructors do nothing. In the second constructor, unless is_convertible<Other *, Ty *> holds true, the constructor does not participate in overload resolution.


void operator()(Ty *ptr) const;

The member operator executes delete ptr. Ty must not be an incomplete type.


template<class Ty>
    struct default_delete<Ty[]> { [added with C++11]
    constexpr default_delete() noexcept = default;
    template<class Other>
        void operator()(Other *ptr) const = delete;

The template class describes a deleter that deletes array objects allocated with operator new[], suitable for use with template class unique_ptr<Ty[]>. It is an explicit specialization of the template class default_delete.


void operator()(Ty *ptr) const;
template<class Other>
    void operator()(Other *ptr) const = delete;

The member operator executes delete[] ptr. Ty must not be an incomplete type.


template <class Ty, class Other>  [added with C++11]
        dynamic_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp) noexcept;

The template function returns an empty shared_ptr object if dynamic_cast<Ty*>(sp.get()) returns a null pointer; otherwise it returns a shared_ptr<Ty> object that owns the resource that is owned by sp. The expression dynamic_cast<Ty*>(sp.get()) must be valid.


template<class Ty>  [added with C++11]
    class enable_shared_from_this {
    shared_ptr<Ty> shared_from_this();
    shared_ptr<const Ty> shared_from_this() const;

    constexpr enable_shared_from_this() noexcept;
    enable_shared_from_this(const enable_shared_from_this&) noexcept;
    enable_shared_from_this& operator=(const enable_shared_from_this&) noexcept;

The template class can be used as a public base class to simplify creating shared_ptr objects that own objects of the derived type:

class derived
    : public enable_shared_from_this<derived>

shared_ptr<derived> sp0 = new derived;
shared_ptr<derived> sp1 = sp0->shared_from_this();

The constructors, destructor, and assignment operator are protected to help prevent accidental misuse. The template argument type Ty must be the type of the derived class.


shared_ptr<Ty> shared_from_this();
shared_ptr<const Ty> shared_from_this() const;

The member functions each return a shared_ptr object that owns *(Ty*)this.


template<class D, class Ty>  [added with C++11]
    D *get_deleter(const shared_ptr<Ty>& sp) noexcept;

The template function returns a pointer to the deleter of type D that belongs to the shared_ptr object sp. If sp has no deleter or if its deleter is not of type D the function returns 0.


pointer_safety get_pointer_safety() noexcept; [added with C++11]

The function returns the type of pointer safety assumed by any automatic garbage collector.


template<class Ty>
    pair<Ty *, ptrdiff_t>
        get_temporary_buffer(ptrdiff_t count) noexcept;

The template function allocates storage for a sequence of at most count elements of type Ty, from an unspecified source (which may well be the standard heap used by operator new). It returns a value pr, of type pair<Ty *, ptrdiff_t>. If the function allocates storage, pr.first designates the allocated storage and pr.second is the number of elements in the longest sequence the storage can hold. Otherwise, pr.first is a null pointer.


template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    class hash<shared_ptr<Ty>> {
    size_t operator()(shared_ptr<Ty> val) const;
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    class hash<unique_ptr<Ty, Del>> {
    size_t operator()(unique_ptr<Ty, Del> val) const;

Each template class defines its member function as returning a value uniquely determined by val. In each case, the member function defines a hash function, suitable for mapping values of the argument type to a distribution of index values.


template<class Ty, class... Types>
    shared_ptr<Ty> make_shared(Types&&... args); [added with C++11]

The function creates the object shared_ptr<Ty>, where ptr is a pointer to Ty(args...) as allocated and constructed by the default allocator allocator().


template<class Ty>
    bool operator!=(const allocator<Ty>& left,
        const allocator<Ty>& right) throw();

template<class Ty1, class Ty2>  [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator!=(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right) noexcept;

The first template operator returns false. (All default allocators are equal.) The remaining template operators return !(left == right), if both left and right are defined. Otherwise, for an argument X of type nullptr_t, its corresponding term is (Ty *)0.


template<class Ty>
    bool operator==(const allocator<Ty>& left,
        const allocator<Ty>& right) throw();

template<class Ty1, class Ty2>  [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left;,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator==(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right) noexcept;

The first template operator returns true. (All default allocators are equal.) The remaining template operators return left.get() == right.get(), if both left and right are defined. Otherwise, for an argument X of type nullptr_t, its corresponding term is (Ty *)0.


template<class Ty1, class Ty2>  [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right);

The template operators return less<V>()(left.get(), right.get()), where V is either Ty or the composite pointer type of Ty1 * and Ty2 *. For an argument X of type nullptr_t, its corresponding term is (Ty *)0.


template<class Elem, class Tr, class Ty>  [added with C++11]
    basic_ostream<Elem, Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<Elem, Tr>& out,
    shared_ptr<Ty>& sp);

The template operator returns out << sp.get().


template<class Ty1, class Ty2>  [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator<(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right);

The template operators return left.get() <= right.get(). For an argument X of type nullptr_t, its corresponding term is (Ty *)0.


template<class Ty1, class Ty2>  [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right);

The template operators return left.get() > right.get(). For an argument X of type nullptr_t, its corresponding term is (Ty *)0.


template<class Ty1, class Ty2>  [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(const shared_ptr<Ty1>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        nullptr_t) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(nullptr_t,
        const shared_ptr<Ty2>& right) noexcept;

template<class Ty1, class Del1,
    class Ty2, class Del2> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<Ty1, Del1>& left,
        const unique_ptr<Ty2&, Del2gt;& right);
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    bool operator>=(nullptr_t,
        const unique_ptr<Ty&, Delgt;& right);

The template operators return left.get() >= right.get(). For an argument X of type nullptr_t, its corresponding term is (Ty *)0.


template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    struct owner_less; // not defined
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    struct owner_less<shared_ptr<Ty> > {
    bool operator()(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty>& right);
    bool operator()(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        const weak_ptr<Ty>& right);
    bool operator()(const weak_ptr<Ty>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty>& right);
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    struct owner_less<weak_ptr<Ty> >
    bool operator()(const weak_ptr<Ty>& left,
        const weak_ptr<Ty>& right);
    bool operator()(const weak_ptr<Ty>& left,
        const shared_ptr<Ty>& right);
    bool operator()(const shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        const weak_ptr<Ty>& right);

The template classes define all their member operators as returning left.owner_before(right).


enum pointer_safety { [added with C++11]
    relaxed, preferred, strict

The scoped enum defines the values that can be returned by get_pointer_safety():


template<class Ptr>
    struct pointer_traits [added with C++11]
    { // defines traits for arbitrary pointers
    typedef T1 element_type;
    typedef Ptr pointer;
    typedef T2 difference_type;

        using rebind = T3;

    static pointer pointer_to(element_type& obj);

The template class supplies all the information needed by an object of template class allocator_traits to describe an allocator with pointer type Ptr. Such a pointervtype can be a raw pointer of type Ty * or a class with the properties:

template<class Ty, class... Rest>
    struct Ptr
    { // describes a pointer type usable by allocators
    typedef Ptr pointer;
    typedef T1 element_type; // optional
    typedef T2 difference_type; // optional
    template<class Other>
        using rebind = typename Ptr<Other, Rest...>; // optional
    static pointer pointer_to(element_type& obj); // optional


typedef T2 difference_type;

The type T2 is Ptr::difference_type if that type exists, otherwise ptrdiff_t. For Ptr a raw pointer Ty * it is ptrdiff_t.


typedef T1 element_type;

The type T1 is Ptr::element_type if that type exists, otherwise Ty. For Ptr a raw pointer Ty * it is Ty.


typedef Ptr pointer;

The type is Ptr.


static pointer pointer_to(element_type& obj);

The static member function returns Ptr::pointer_to(obj), if that function exists. Otherwise, it is not possible to convert an arbitrary reference to a object of class Ptr. For Ptr a raw pointer Ty * it returns addressof(obj).


    using rebind = T3;

The type T3 is Ptr::rebind<Other> if that type exists, otherwise Ptr<Other, Rest...>. For Ptr a raw pointer Ty * it is Other *.


template<class OutIt, class Ty>
    class raw_storage_iterator
         : public iterator<output_iterator_tag,
             void, void, void, void> {
    explicit raw_storage_iterator(OutIt first);
    raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty>& operator*();
    raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty>&
        operator=(const Ty& val);
    raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty>& operator++();
    raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty> operator++(int);

The class describes an output iterator that constructs objects of type Ty in the sequence it generates. An object of class raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty> accesses storage through an output iterator object, of class OutIt, that you specify when you construct the object. For an object first of class OutIt, the expression &*first must designate unconstructed storage for the next object (of type Ty) in the generated sequence.


raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty>& operator*();

The indirection operator returns *this (so that operator=(const Ty&) can perform the actual store in an expression such as *ptr = val).


raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty>& operator=(const Ty& val);

The assignment operator constructs the next object in the output sequence using the stored iterator value first, by evaluating the placement new expression new ((void *)&*first) Ty(val). The function returns *this.


raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty>& operator++();
raw_storage_iterator<OutIt, Ty> operator++(int);

The first (preincrement) operator increments the stored output iterator object, then returns *this.

The second (postincrement) operator makes a copy of *this, increments the stored output iterator object, then returns the copy.


explicit raw_storage_iterator(OutIt first);

The constructor stores first as the output iterator object.


template<class Ty>
    void return_temporary_buffer(Ty *pbuf);

The template function frees the storage designated by pbuf, which must be earlier allocated by a call to get_temporary_buffer.


template<class Ty>
    class shared_ptr {  [added with C++11]
    typedef Ty element_type;

    constexpr shared_ptr() noexcept;
    constexpr shared_ptr(nullptr_t); [added with C++11]
    shared_ptr(const shared_ptr& sp) noexcept;
    shared_ptr(shared_ptr&& sp) noexcept; [added with C++11]
    template<class Other>
        explicit shared_ptr(Other *ptr);
    template<class Other, class D>
        shared_ptr(Other *ptr, D dtor);
    template<class D>
        shared_ptr(nullptr_t ptr, D dtor); [added with C++11]
    template<class Other, class D, class A>
        shared_ptr(Other *ptr, D dtor, A alloc); [added with C++11]
    template<class D, class A>
        shared_ptr(nullptr_t ptr, D dtor, A alloc); [added with C++11]
    template<class Other>
        shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp) noexcept;
    template<class Other>
        shared_ptr(shared_ptr<Other>&& sp) noexcept; [added with C++11]
    template<class Other>
        shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<Other>& wp);
    template<class >
        shared_ptr(auto_ptr<Other>&& ap);
    template<class Other, class D>
        shared_ptr(unique_ptr<Other, D>&& up); [added with C++11]
    template<class Other>
        shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp,
            Ty *ptr) noexcept; [added with C++11]


    shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr& sp) noexcept;
    shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr&& sp) noexcept; [added with C++11]
    template<class Other>
        shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp) noexcept;
    template<class Other>
        shared_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<Other>&& ap);
    template<class Other, class D>
        shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr<Other, D>&& ap) noexcept; [added with C++11]

    void swap(shared_ptr& sp) noexcept;
    void reset() noexcept;
    template<class Other>
        void reset(Other *ptr);
    template<class Other, class D>
        void reset(Other *ptr, D dtor);
    template<class Other, class D, class A>
        void reset(Other *ptr, D dtor, A alloc); [added with C++11]

    Ty *get() const noexcept;
    Ty& operator*() const noexcept;
    Ty *operator->() const noexcept;
    long use_count() const noexcept;
    bool unique() const noexcept;
    explicit operator bool() cons noexcept;

    template<class Other>
        bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<Other>& ptr); [added with C++11]
    template<class Other>
        bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<Other>& ptr); [added with C++11]

The template class describes an object that uses reference counting to manage resources. Each shared_ptr object effectively stores a pointer to the resource that it owns or stores a null pointer. A resource can be owned by more than one shared_ptr object; when the last shared_ptr object that owns a particular resource is destroyed the resource is freed.

The template argument Ty may be an incomplete type except as noted for certain operand sequences.

When a shared_ptr<Ty> object is constructed from a resource pointer of type D* or from a shared_ptr<D>, the pointer type D* must be convertible to Ty*. If it is not, the code will not compile. For example:

class B {};
class D : public B {};

shared_ptr<D> sp0(new D);   // okay, template parameter D and argument D*
shared_ptr<D> sp1(sp0);     // okay, template parameter D and argument shared_ptr<D>
shared_ptr<B> sp2(new D);   // okay, D* convertible to B*
shared_ptr<B> sp3(sp0);     // okay, template parameter B and argument shared_ptr<D>
shared_ptr<B> sp4(sp2);     // okay, template parameter B and argument shared_ptr<B>
shared_ptr<int> sp4(new D); // error, D* not convertible to int*
shared_ptr<int> sp5(sp2);   // error, template parameter int and argument shared_ptr<B>

A shared_ptr object owns a resource:

All the shared_ptr objects that own a single resource share a control block which holds the number of shared_ptr objects that own the resource, the number of weak_ptr objects that point to the resource, and the deleter for that resource if it has one. A shared_ptr object that was initialized with a null pointer has a control block; thus it is not an empty shared_ptr. After a shared_ptr object releases a resource it no longer owns that resource. After a weak_ptr object releases a resource it no longer points to that resource. When the number of shared_ptr objects that own a resource becomes zero the resource is freed, either by deleting it or by passing its address to a deleter, depending on how ownership of the resource was originally created. When the number of shared_ptr objects that own a resource is zero and the number of weak_ptr objects that point to that resource is zero the control block is freed.

An empty shared_ptr object does not own any resources and has no control block.

A deleter is a function pointer or an object of a type with a member function operator(). Its type must be copy constructible and its copy constructor and destructor must not throw exceptions. A deleter is bound to a shared_ptr object with an operand sequence of the form ptr, dtor.

Some functions take an operand sequence that defines properties of the resulting shared_ptr<Ty> or weak_ptr<Ty> object. You can specify such an operand sequence several ways:

In all cases, the pointer type Other * must be convertible to Ty *.

shared_ptr and weak_ptr objects provide limited thread-safety guarantees. Creating new objects from existing objects is safe, and destroying objects is safe. Other operations, including assigning from one object to another, are not safe. To use these unsafe operations in multiple threads, either use the various shared_ptr atomic operations or provide your own synchronization.


typedef Ty element_type;

The type is a synonym for the template parameter Ty.


Ty *get() const;

The member function returns the address of the owned resource. If the object does not own a resource it returns 0.


shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr& sp) noexcept;
shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr&& sp) noexcept;
template<class Other>
    shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp) noexcept;
template<class Other>
    shared_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<Other>&& ap);
template<class Other, class D>
    shared_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<Other, D>&& ap) noexcept; [added with C++11]

The operators all release the resource currently owned by *this and assign ownership of the resource named by the operand sequence to *this. If an operator fails it leaves *this unchanged.


Ty& operator*() const noexcept;

The indirection operator returns *get(). Hence, the stored pointer must not be null.


Ty *operator->() const noexcept;

The selection operator returns get(), so that the expression sp->member behaves the same as (sp.get())->member where sp is an object of class shared_ptr<Ty>. Hence, the stored pointer must not be null, and Ty must be a class, structure, or union type with a member member.

shared_ptr::operator bool

explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

The operator returns a value of a type that is convertible to bool. The result of the conversion to bool is true when get() != 0, otherwise false.


template<class Other>
    bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<Other>& ptr); [added with C++11]
template<class Other>
    bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<Other>& ptr); [added with C++11]

The template member function returns true if *this is ordered before ptr.


void reset() noexcept;
template<class Other>
    void reset(Other *ptr;);
template<class Other, class D>
    void reset(Other *ptr, D dtor);
template<class Other, class D, class A>
    void reset(Other *ptr, D dtor, A alloc); [added with C++11]

The member functions all release the resource currently owned by *this and assign ownership of the resource named by the operand sequence to *this. If a member function fails it leaves *this unchanged.


constexpr shared_ptr() noexcept;
constexpr shared_ptr(nullptr_t); [added with C++11]
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr& sp) noexcept;
shared_ptr(shared_ptr&& sp); [added with C++11]
template<class Other>
    explicit shared_ptr(Other *ptr);
template<class Other, class D>
    shared_ptr(Other *ptr, D dtor);
template<class D>
    shared_ptr(nullptr_t ptr, D dtor); [added with C++11]
template<class Other, class D, class A>
    shared_ptr(Other *ptr, D dtor, A alloc); [added with C++11]
template<class D, class A>
    shared_ptr(nullptr_t ptr, D dtor, A alloc); [added with C++11]
template<class Other>
    shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp) noexcept;
template<class Other>
    shared_ptr(shared_ptr<Other>&& sp) noexcept; [added with C++11]
template<class Other>
    shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<Other>& wp);
template<class Other>
    shared_ptr(auto_ptr<Other>&& ap) noexcept;
template<class Other, class D>
    shared_ptr(unique_ptr<Other, D>&& ap); [added with C++11]
template<class Other>
    shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp,
        Ty *ptr) noexcept; [added with C++11]

All but the last constructor each constructs an object that owns the resource named by the operand sequence. The last constructor defines ptr as a shared pointer alias for the object owned by sp, and shares ownership with sp.

The constructor shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<Other>& wp) throws an exception object of type bad_weak_ptr if wp.expired().

Unless is_convertible<Other *, Ty *> holds true, the template constructor shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<Other>& ap) does not participate in overload resolution.

Unless is_convertible<Other *, Ty *> holds true, the template constructor shared_ptr(shared_ptr<Other>&& ap) does not participate in overload resolution.



The destructor releases the resource owned by *this.


void swap(shared_ptr& sp) noexcept;

The member function leaves the resource originally owned by *this subsequently owned by sp, and the resource originally owned by sp subsequently owned by *this. The function does not change the reference counts for the two resources and it does not throw any exceptions.


bool unique() const noexcept;

The member function returns true if no other shared_ptr object owns the resource that is owned by *this, otherwise false.


long use_count() const noexcept;

The member function returns the number of shared_ptr objects that own the resource that is owned by *this.


template <class Ty, class Other>  [added with C++11]
        static_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp) noexcept;

The template function returns an empty shared_ptr object if sp is an empty shared_ptr object; otherwise it returns a shared_ptr<Ty> object that owns the resource that is owned by sp. The expression static_cast<Ty*>(sp.get()) must be valid.


template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    void swap(shared_ptr<Ty>& left,
        shared_ptr<Ty>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty, class Del> [added with C++11]
    void swap(unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& left,
        unique_ptr<Ty, Del>& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty> [added with C++11]
    void swap(weak_ptr<Ty>& left,
        weak_ptr<Other>& right) noexcept;

The template function calls left.swap(right).


void undeclare_no_pointers(char *ptr, size_t size); [added with C++11]

The function informs any garbage collector that the range of addresses [ptr, ptr + size) may now contain traceable pointers.

The function throws nothing.


template<class Ty>
    _Ty *undeclare_reachable(void *ptr); [added with C++11]

If ptr is not null, the function informs any garbage collector that ptr is hereafter not reachable. It returns a safely derived pointer that compares equal to ptr.

The function throws nothing.


template<class InIt, class FwdIt>
    FwdIt uninitialized_copy(InIt first, InIt last,
        FwdIt dest);

The template function effectively executes:

while (first != last)
    new ((void *)&*dest++)
return dest;

unless the code throws an exception. In that case, all constructed objects are destroyed and the exception is rethrown.


template<class InIt, class Diff, class FwdIt>
    FwdIt uninitialized_copy_n(InIt first, Diff count,
        FwdIt dest); [added with C++11]

The template function effectively executes:

for (; 0 < count; -- count)
    new ((void *)&*dest++)
return dest;

unless the code throws an exception. In that case, all constructed objects are destroyed and the exception is rethrown.


template<class FwdIt, class Ty>
    void uninitialized_fill(FwdIt first, FwdIt last,
        const Ty& val);

The template function effectively executes:

while (first != last)
    new ((void *)&*first++)

unless the code throws an exception. In that case, all constructed objects are destroyed and the exception is rethrown.


template<class FwdIt, class Size, class Ty>
    FwdIt uninitialized_fill_n(FwdIt first, Size count,
        const Ty& val);

The template function effectively executes:

while (0 < count--)
    new ((void *)&*first++)
    return (first);

unless the code throws an exception. In that case, all constructed objects are destroyed and the exception is rethrown.


template<class Ty, class Del = default_delete<Ty> >
    struct unique_ptr { [added with C++11]
    typedef Ty element_type;
    typedef Del deleter_type;
    typedef T1 pointer;

    constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept;
    constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;
    explicit unique_ptr(pointer ptr) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(pointer ptr,
        typename conditional<is_reference<Del>::value, Del,
            typename add_reference<const Del>::type>::type deleter) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(pointer ptr,
        typename remove_reference<Del>::type&& deleter) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& right) noexcept;
    template<class Ty2, Class Del2>
        unique_ptr(unique_ptr<Ty2, Del2>&& right) noexcept;
    template<class Ty2>
        unique_ptr(auto_ptr<Ty2>&& right) noexcept;


    unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& right) noexcept;
    template<class Ty2, Class Del2>
        unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<Ty, Del>&& right) noexcept;
    unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;

    void swap(unique_ptr& right) noexcept;
    pointer release() noexcept;
    void reset(pointer ptr = pointer()) noexcept;
    void reset(nullptr_t ptr) noexcept;

    pointer get() const noexcept;
    Ty& operator*() const;
    pointer operator->() const noexcept;
    Del& get_deleter() noexcept;
    const Del& get_deleter() const noexcept;
    explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    unique_ptr(const unique_ptr& right) = delete;
    unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr& right) = delete;

    pointer stored_ptr;    // exposition only
    Del stored_deleter;    // exposition only

The template class describes an object that uniquely manages a resource. Each unique_ptr object effectively stores a pointer to the object that it owns or stores a null pointer. A resource can be owned by no more than one unique_ptr object; when the unique_ptr object that owns a particular resource is destroyed the resource is freed. A unique_ptr object may be moved, but not copied.

The resource is freed by calling a stored deleter object of type Del that knows how resources are allocated for a particular unique_ptr. The default deleter default_delete<Ty> assumes that the resource pointed to by ptr is allocated with operator new, so it can be freed by calling Del()(ptr). (An explicit specialization unique_ptr<Ty[]> manages array objects allocated with operator new[], and has the default deleter default_delete<Ty[]>.)

The stored pointer to a managed resource stored_ptr has type pointer. It is Del::pointer if defined, otherwise Ty *. The stored deleter object stored_deleter should occupy no space in the object if the deleter is stateless. Note that Del can be a reference type.


typedef Del deleter_type;

The type is a synonym for the template parameter Del.


typedef Ty element_type;

The type is a synonym for the template parameter Ty.


pointer get() const noexcept;

The member function returns stored_ptr.


Del& get_deleter() noexcept;
const Del& get_deleter() const noexcept;

The member function returns a reference to stored_deleter.


unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty2, Class Del2>
    unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<Ty, Del>&& right) noexcept;
unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;

The first two member operators call reset(right.release()) and move right.stored_deleter to stored_deleter, then return *this.

The third member operator calls reset(), then returns *this.

Unless is_convertible<Ty2 *, Ty *> holds true, and is_array<Ty2> holds false, the template operator unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<Ty, Del>&& right) does not participate in overload resolution.


Ty& operator*() const;

The member function returns *stored_ptr.


pointer operator->() const noexcept;

The member function returns stored_ptr.

unique_ptr::operator bool

explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

The operator returns a value of a type that is convertible to bool. The result of the conversion to bool is true when get() != pointer(), otherwise false.


typedef T1 pointer;

The type is a synonym for Del::pointer if defined, otherwise Ty *.


pointer release() noexcept;

The member function stores pointer() in stored_ptr and returns its previous contents.


void reset(pointer ptr = pointer()) noexcept;
void reset(nullptr_t ptr) noexcept;

If ptr == stored_ptr the member function does nothing. Otherwise, if ptr != 0 it calls get_deleter()(stored_ptr) and stores ptr in stored_ptr.


void swap(unique_ptr& right) noexcept;

The member function swaps stored_ptr with right.stored_ptr and stored_deleter with right.stored_deleter.


constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept;
constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;
explicit unique_ptr(pointer ptr) noexcept;
unique_ptr(Ty *ptr,
    typename conditional<is_reference<Del>::value, Del,
        typename add_reference<const Del>::type>::type deleter) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer ptr,
    typename remove_reference<Del>::type&& deleter) noexcept;
unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty2, Class Del2>
    unique_ptr(unique_ptr<Ty2, Del2>&& right) noexcept;
template<class Ty2>
    unique_ptr(auto_ptr<Ty2>&& right) noexcept;

The first two constructors construct an object that manages no resource. The third constructor stores ptr in stored_ptr. The fourth constructor stores ptr in stored_ptr and deleter in stored_deleter.

The fifth costructor stores ptr in stored_ptr and moves deleter into stored_deleter. The sixth and seventh constructors store right.reset() in stored_ptr and forward right.get_deleter() into stored_deleter.

The last constructor stores right.reset() in stored_ptr.

Unless is_convertible<Other *, Ty *> holds true, and is_array<Ty2> holds false, and either is_reference<Del2> holds true and is_same<Del, Del2> holds true or is_reference<Del2> holds false and is_convertible<Del, Del2> holds true, the template constructor unique_ptr(unique_ptr<Ty2, Del2>&& right) does not participate in overload resolution.

Unless is_convertible<Other *, Ty *> holds true and is_same<Del, default_delete<Ty>> holds true, the template constructor unique_ptr(auto_ptr<Ty2>&& right) does not participate in overload resolution.



The destructor calls get_deleter()(stored_ptr).

unique_ptr<Ty[], Del>

template<class Ty, class Del>
    struct unique_ptr<Ty[], Del> { [added with C++11]
    typedef Ty element_type;
    typedef Del deleter_type;
    typedef T1 pointer;

    constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept;
    constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;
    explicit unique_ptr(pointer ptr) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(pointer ptr,
        typename conditional<is_reference<Del>::value, Del,
            typename add_reference<const Del>::type>::type deleter) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(pointer ptr,
        typename remove_reference<Del>::type&& deleter) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& right) noexcept;


    unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& right) noexcept;
    unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;

    void swap(unique_ptr& right) noexcept;
    pointer release() noexcept;
    void reset(pointer ptr = pointer()) noexcept;
    void reset(nullptr_t ptr) noexcept;

    pointer get() const noexcept;
    Ty& operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept;
    Del& get_deleter() noexcept;
    const Del& get_deleter() const noexcept;
    explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    unique_ptr(const unique_ptr& right) = delete;
    unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr& right) = delete;
    template<class Ptr2>
        void reset(_Ptr2 ptr) = delete;

    pointer stored_ptr;    // exposition only
    Del stored_deleter;    // exposition only

The template class describes an object that uniquely manages an array resource. Each unique_ptr object effectively stores a pointer to the array object that it owns or stores a null pointer. A resource can be owned by no more than one unique_ptr object; when the unique_ptr object that owns a particular resource is destroyed the resource is freed. A unique_ptr object may be moved, but not copied.

The resource is freed by calling a stored deleter object of type Del that knows how resources are allocated for a particular unique_ptr. The default deleter default_delete<Ty[]> assumes that the resource pointed to by ptr is allocated with operator new[], so it can be freed by calling Del()(ptr). (The general template unique_ptr<Ty> manages non-array objects allocated with operator new, and has the default deleter default_delete<Ty>.)

The stored pointer to a managed resource stored_ptr has type pointer. It is Del::pointer if defined, otherwise Ty *. The stored deleter object stored_deleter should occupy no space in the object if the deleter is stateless. Note that Del can be a reference type.


Ty& operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept;

The member function returns stored_ptr[idx].


constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept;
constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;
explicit unique_ptr(pointer ptr) noexcept;
unique_ptr(Ty *ptr,
    typename conditional<is_reference<Del>::value, Del,
        typename add_reference<const Del>::type>::type deleter) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer ptr,
    typename remove_reference<Del>::type&& deleter) noexcept;
unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& right) noexcept;

The first two constructors construct an object that manages no resource. The third constructor stores ptr in stored_ptr. The fourth constructor stores ptr in stored_ptr and deleter in stored_deleter.

The fifth costructor stores ptr in stored_ptr and moves deleter into stored_deleter. The sixth constructor stores right.reset() in stored_ptr and moves right.get_deleter() into stored_deleter.


template<class Ty, class Alloc>
    struct uses_allocator; [added with C++11]

The template struct holds true only if Ty::allocator_type exists and is_convertible<Alloc, Ty::allocator_type> holds true.

The template may be specialized, for a library type or user-defined type, to hold true only if:

A type that meets these requirements is said to be allocator enabled.


template<class Ty> class weak_ptr {  [added with C++11]
    typedef Ty element_type;

    constexpr weak_ptr() noexcept;
    weak_ptr(const weak_ptr&) noexcept;
    template<class Other>
        weak_ptr(const weak_ptr<Other>&) noexcept;
    template<class Other>
        weak_ptr(const shared_ptr<Other>&) noexcept;

    weak_ptr& operator=(const weak_ptr&) noexcept;
    template<class Other>
        weak_ptr& operator=(const weak_ptr<Other>&) noexcept;
    template<class Other>
        weak_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr<Other>&) noexcept;

    void swap(weak_ptr& right) noexcept;
    void reset() noexcept;

    long use_count() const noexcept;
    bool expired() const noexcept;
    shared_ptr<Ty> lock() const noexcept;

    template<class Other>
        bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<Other>& ptr); [added with C++11]
    template<class Other>
        bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<Other>& ptr); [added with C++11]

The template class describes an object that points to a resource that is managed by one or more shared_ptr objects. The weak_ptr objects that point to a resource do not affect the resource's reference count. Thus, when the last shared_ptr object that manages that resource is destroyed the resource will be freed, even if there are weak_ptr objects pointing to that resource. This is essential for avoiding cycles in data structures.

A weak_ptr object points to a resource if it was constructed from a shared_ptr object that owns that resource, if it was constructed from a weak_ptr object that points to that resource, or if that resource was assigned to it with operator=. A weak_ptr object does not provide direct access to the resource that it points to. Code that needs to use the resource does so through a shared_ptr object that owns that resource, created by calling the member function lock. A weak_ptr object has expired when the resource that it points to has been freed because all of the shared_ptr objects that own the resource have been destroyed. Calling lock on a weak_ptr object that has expired creates an empty shared_ptr object.

An empty weak_ptr object does not point to any resources and has no control block. Its member function lock returns an empty shared_ptr object.

A cycle occurs when two or more resources controlled by shared_ptr objects hold mutually referencing shared_ptr objects. For example, a circular linked list with three elements has a head node N0; that node holds a shared_ptr object that owns the next node, N1; that node holds a shared_ptr object that owns the next node, N2; that node, in turn, holds a shared_ptr object that owns the head node, N0, closing the cycle. In this situation, none of the reference counts will every become zero, and the nodes in the cycle will not be freed. To eliminate the cycle, the last node N2 should hold a weak_ptr object pointing to N0 instead of a smart_ptr object. Since the weak_ptr object does not own N0 it doesn't affect N0's reference count, and when the program's last reference to the head node is destroyed the nodes in the list will also be destroyed.


typedef Ty element_type;

The type is a synonym for the template parameter Ty.


bool expired() const;

The member function returns true if *this has expired, otherwise false.


shared_ptr<Ty> lock() const;

The member function returns an empty shared_ptr object if *this has expired; otherwise it returns a shared_ptr<Ty> object that owns the resource that *this points to.


weak_ptr& operator=(const weak_ptr& wp);
template<class Other>
    weak_ptr& operator=(const weak_ptr<Other>& wp);
template<class Other>
    weak_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp);

The operators all release the resource currently pointed to by *this and assign ownership of the resource named by the operand sequence to *this. If an operator fails it leaves *this unchanged.


template<class Other>
    bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<Other>& ptr); [added with C++11]
template<class Other>
    bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<Other>& ptr); [added with C++11]

The template member function returns true if *this is ordered before ptr.


void reset() noexcept;

The member function releases the resource pointed to by *this and converts *this to an empty weak_ptr object.


void swap(weak_ptr& right) noexcept;

The member function leaves the resource originally pointed to by *this subsequently pointed to by wp, and the resource originally pointed to by wp subsequently pointed to by *this. The function does not change the reference counts for the two resources and it does not throw any exceptions.


long use_count() const;

The member function returns the number of shared_ptr objects that own the resource pointed to by *this.


constexpr weak_ptr();
weak_ptr(const weak_ptr& wp);
template<class Other>
    weak_ptr(const weak_ptr<Other>& wp);
template<class Other>
    weak_ptr(const shared_ptr<Other>& sp);

The constructors each construct an object that points to the resource named by the operand sequence.

Unless is_convertible<Other *, Ty *> holds true, the template constructor weak_ptr(const weak_ptr<Other>& wp) does not participate in overload resolution.

Unless is_convertible<Other *, Ty *> holds true, the template constructor weak_ptr(const shared_ptr<Other>& wp) does not participate in overload resolution.

See also the Table of Contents and the Index.

Copyright © 1992-2013 by P.J. Plauger. Portions derived from work copyright © 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved.