Building a BSP

The QNX CAR platform includes BSPs for these reference boards:
  • Texas Instruments OMAP5432 EVM
  • Texas Instruments J5 ECO EVM811x EVM
  • Freescale i.MX6Q SABRE Lite
To get these BSPs, go to the following location on the QNX download site:

Then, follow the included instructions for unzipping the BSP onto your host system.

To build the BSP for your board:
  1. In the directory where you unzipped the BSP, enter this command:

    # make

  2. Copy the resulting BSP binaries to your QNX CAR workspace.
    Note: In the reference board BSPs, the prebuilt directory contains all that's needed for the image, so you can copy the binaries from there. But if you changed any BSP content and are rebuilding the image, the binaries need to come from the install directory, meaning the copy commands shown below should be modified to refer to this other directory.
    • For Linux:
      Board Copy command
      OMAP5432 cp -r prebuilt/armle-v7 $QNX_CAR_DEPLOYMENT/boards/omap5uevm
      J5 ECO cp -r prebuilt/armle-v7 $QNX_CAR_DEPLOYMENT/boards/jacinto5eco
      SABRE Lite cp -r prebuilt/armle-v7 $QNX_CAR_DEPLOYMENT/boards/imx61sabre
      where $QNX_CAR_DEPLOYMENT is <install_location>/qnx660/deployment/qnx-car.
    • For Windows:
      Board Copy command
      OMAP5432 cp -r prebuilt\armle-v7 %QNX_CAR_DEPLOYMENT%\boards\omap5uevm
      J5 ECO cp -r prebuilt\armle-v7 %QNX_CAR_DEPLOYMENT%\boards\jacinto5eco
      SABRE Lite cp -r prebuilt\armle-v7 %QNX_CAR_DEPLOYMENT%\boards\imx61sabre
      where %QNX_CAR_DEPLOYMENT% is <install_location>\qnx660\deployment\qnx-car.
To see the basic directory structure for an image generated for this platform release, see "Sample image directory structure".