Manifest file

A manifest file stores software update information, including the vendor and hardware IDs of the target, timestamps, version numbers, and the size and path of the delta file. You must provide a manifest file as part of an update package.


The manifest file follows the .ini file format, which has these characteristics:

You can describe multiple updates in one manifest file. Each set of fields describing an update must begin with the id field wrapped in square brackets:


The lines that follow are treated as attributes of the same update until another update is specified or the end of the file is reached. All updates require a certain minimum set of fields:

Key Description Required Example
action Comma-seperated list of actions available for this update:
base_version Expected version of the software currently installed on the target. The UpdateTarget can use this field to determine if it can accept the update. No base_version="00.00.00"
format_version Format version of the file. This must be the first field set in the file. Currently, the swu-core library supports version 20130918. Yes format_version=20130918
grace_period Grace period for the update. The value is treated as a signed 64-bit unixtime. No grace_period=60000
hardware_id Hardware ID, used with the value in vendor_id to uniquely identify an UpdateTarget when it's matched with an Update. Yes hardware_id="CAR2.1"
id Unique ID used by the update. This field starts a new update record in the manifest file. Yes [id="UPDATE_001"]
long Long description of the update contents. This field has no length limit. No long="The following bugs have been addressed in this release\n\t-Bug 77\n\t-Bug 88..."
max_defer_period Maximum deferral period for the update. The value is treated as a signed 64-bit value representing Unix time. No max_defer_period=3600000
name Name of the update. Yes name="Security Release 242"
path Path of the software update file. This can be either an absolute path or a path relative to the manifest file. Yes path=./update_file/the_file_to_use.bin
post_install_command Command string to be run by the UpdateTarget after the install completes. No post_install_command="/scripts/"
pre_install_command Command string to be run by the UpdateTarget before the install starts. No pre_install_command="/scripts/"
priority Priority level of the update. This integer value must be between 1 and 20, where 1 is the highest priority and 20 is the lowest. No priority=3
short Short description of the update contents. This field has no length limit. No short="Contains necessary bug fixes"
size Size of the software update file (in bytes). This is an unsigned 32-bit integer value. No size=22000000
timestamp Release timestamp for the update. The value is treated as a signed 64-bit value representing Unix time. No timestamp=1375119694
vendor_id Vendor ID, used with the value in hardware_id to uniquely identify an UpdateTarget when it's matched with an Update. Yes vendor_id="QNX"
version Version of the software update. Yes version="00.00.01"

Sample file

; This is a sample manifest file. 
; All manifest files must start with the format_version key

; A comment about this first update
short="A simple update to test some things"
long="This is a simple test of the SWU system.\n\n\
       \tTabbed text on a new line"
name="Test Update"
; This update points to a delta file in the same directory

; A comment about this second update
name="Another Test Update"
long="This text description can be as long as need be,\
      provided you escape any line breaks in the text string"
short="YATU (Yet another Test Update)"
; This update points to an absolute path for a file elsewhere
; in the filesystem.