The mlink-viewer service—MirrorLink viewer app


The MirrorLink viewer app (mlink-viewer) lets the car's HMI view and control the content on a smartphone or other supported MirrorLink device.

Command line

mlink-viewer [-D] [-H] [-h number] [-L path_to_vnclicense] [-l app_number] [-R] [-S] [-w number]


Test mode: launch the application and show the command string, but don't start the viewer.
Show simple HMI, which has to be an image with a width of 123 pixels. This will be visible on the right side of the screen. The top half of this region functions as the device's home button, the bottom half as a back button.
Height (in pixels) of the main window (default: full screen; the actual size depends on the attached screen and system configuration).
Specify location of VNC license file (default: /etc/vnclicense).
Launch the specified MirrorLink app using its app_number (0 to 9; default: 0). See /pps/services/mirrorlink/applications for more information.
Reduced resolution mode. If the device supports server-side scaling, the requested resolution will be only half of the available resolution of the VNC window. On high-resolution or low-performance devices, this mode has significant performance advantages.
Strictly enforce sandboxing, i.e., don't run the viewer with the default network stack. To set the network sandbox, use the SOCK environment variable. If the -S option is used, the service won't start if this environment variable isn't set. A network sandbox is highly recommended!
Width (in pixels) of the main window (default: full screen; the actual size depends on the attached screen and system configuration).
Note: The viewer doesn't quit when the device is disconnected.