
The recognizer interface.


struct asr_recognizer_if asr_recognizer_if_t {
    const char * name ;
    const char * version ;
    int(* init )(cfg_item_t *config_base);
    int(* cleanup )();
    int(* start )();
    int(* stop )();
    void(* step )(asr_step_t step);
    asr_context_hdl_t *(* context_create )(cfg_item_t *cfg);
    int(* context_save )(asr_context_hdl_t *hdl, cfg_item_t *cfg);
    int(* context_add_entries )(asr_context_hdl_t *hdl, cfg_item_t *cfg, const char *slot_identifier, asr_slot_entry_t *slot_entry, int num_slot_entries);
    int(* context_delete_entries )(asr_context_hdl_t *hdl, cfg_item_t *cfg, const char *slot_identifier, asr_slot_entry_t *slot_entry, int num_slot_entries);
    int(* context_destroy )(asr_context_hdl_t *hdl);
    int(* get_utterance )(asr_audio_info_t *audio_info);
    int(* set_utterance )(asr_audio_info_t *audio_info, uint32_t offset_ms);


const char * name
The name of the module.
const char * version
The version of ASR that this module was designed for.

The version number is used to prevent newer, incompatible modules from being used with an older build of ASR.

int(* init)(cfg_item_t *config_base)
Initialize the module.

The io-asr service calls init() for each registered module on startup. The init() function sets the recognizer properties. The properties that are required vary by vendor.

  • config_base Configuration data for this recognizer. See cfg_item_t.
  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
int(* cleanup)()
Clean up memory and data after shutting down a module.

The io-asr service calls cleanup() after shutting down a module to release any memory, destroy mutexes or condvars, or handle any data that must be changed as a result of the module shutting down. The exact requirements of the cleanup vary by vendor.

  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
int(* start)()
Start the module.

The io-asr service calls start() to start a recognition request. The recognizer should collect and process the audio sample, and then provide status and results via the API defined in the ASR vendor interface, asrv.h. This call must be asynchronous and the recognition operation started must be interuptable via a call to the stop() callback.

  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
int(* stop)()
Stop the module.

The io-asr service calls stop() to stop the current recognition operation. The recognizer stops audio acquisition and stops processing results.

  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
void(* step)(asr_step_t step)
Handle a recognition step.

The io-asr service calls step() when the module's current step changes. The step() function takes the appropriate action depending on what the step is.

  • step The step to handle.
  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
asr_context_hdl_t *(* context_create)(cfg_item_t *cfg)
Create a context.

The io-asr service calls context_create() during the recognition process to create a recognition context.

  • cfg The configuration structure for the recognizer.
  • A pointer to the new context handle on success.
int(* context_save)(asr_context_hdl_t *hdl, cfg_item_t *cfg)
Save a context.

After io-asr has created a context by invoking context_create(), it calls context_save() to save the context in the recognizer's required format, which varies by vendor.

  • hdl The context handle.
  • cfg The configuration structure for the recognizer.
  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
int(* context_add_entries)(asr_context_hdl_t *hdl, cfg_item_t *cfg, const char *slot_identifier, asr_slot_entry_t *slot_entry, int num_slot_entries)
Add entries to the specified context.

The io-asr service calls context_add_entries() to add additional entries to the specified context.

  • hdl A pointer to the context handle.
  • cfg A pointer to the configuration associated with the context.
  • slot_identifier A pointer to the slot identifier (the position of the new entry).
  • slot_entry A pointer to the array of new entries.
  • num_slot_entries The number of entries to add.
  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
int(* context_delete_entries)(asr_context_hdl_t *hdl, cfg_item_t *cfg, const char *slot_identifier, asr_slot_entry_t *slot_entry, int num_slot_entries)
Delete entries from the specified context.

The io-asr service calls context_delete_entries() to remove entries from the specified context.

  • hdl A pointer to the context handle.
  • cfg A pointer to the configuration associated with the context.
  • slot_identifier A pointer to the slot identifier (the position of the entry).
  • slot_entry A pointer to the entry.
  • num_slot_entries The number of entries to delete.
  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
int(* context_destroy)(asr_context_hdl_t *hdl)
Destroy the specified context.

The io-asr service calls context_destroy() to destroy a context.

  • hdl A pointer to the context handle.
  • 0 Success.
  • <0 An error occurred.
int(* get_utterance)(asr_audio_info_t *audio_info)
Capture an utterance.

The get_utterance() function stores an audio sample in the buffer referenced by the info parameter. It also sets the associated properties of the utterance: buffer size, sample size, sample rate, and number of channels. The get_utterance function waits until the audio capture has completed before copying the sample and returning.

  • audio_info Indicates the structure in which to store the utterance and set the properties.
  • 0 Success.
  • -1 An error occurred.
int(* set_utterance)(asr_audio_info_t *audio_info, uint32_t offset_ms)
Copy an utterance to the specified buffer.

The set_utterance() function copies the last captured audio sample to the buffer referenced by the info parameter, at the offset specified by the offset_ms parameter. The sample size, sample rate, and number of channels must match the properties of the captured sample. If the requested offset results in a buffer overrun, an error is returned. If the audio capture has not completed, an error is returned.

  • audio_info Indicates the structure in which to store the utterance.
  • offset_ms The offset (in milliseconds) of the utterance.
  • 0 Success.
  • EBUSY Capture has not completed.
  • EINVAL The audio properties don't match.
  • ERANGE Buffer overrun.




The recognizer interface provides functions to io-asr for managing speech-to-text processing. Each recognizer module's constructor function passes this structure to asr_connect().