API Reference

The following table summarizes the header files that provide the ASR API:

Header file Description
asr.h Provides an interface to the host system's logging facilities.
asra.h Provides functions and data types for capturing and playing back audio.
asrm.h Provides functions and data types for module management.
asrp.h Provides functions and data types for rendering prompts.
asrv.h Provides functions to interact with vendor-supplied modules.
cfg.h Contains data types and functions for building and searching a configuration tree.
mod_types.h Provides data type definitions and functions for the audio, recognition, and conversation modules.
protos.h Provides functions for logging.
slot-factory.h Provides functions and data types for interacting with the SlotFactory object, which is used to manage recognition results.
terminals.h For internal use.
types.h Provides data types for the control flow of speech recognition. These data types include result classifications, state enumerations, and error codes.