Building a BSP from the IDE

When you install a BSP by importing it into the QNX Momentics Integrated Development Environment, you'll find the source code for individual BSP components in directories at the root of your IDE workspace directory.

To build a BSP from the IDE:
  1. Open the QNX Momentics IDE.
  2. Click File > Import.
  3. Expand QNX, select QNX Source Package and BSP and click Next.
  4. Click Browse to choose a .zip archive file for your BSP.
  5. Select a file, click Open, and then click Next.
    The package contains the source and build files for targeting QNX Neutrino on your selected reference board.
  6. Select the BSP and verify that the package is correct by reviewing the information in the Description field.
  7. Click Next to specify any project-specific settings you want to set for the BSP project.
    Now you can change the name of the BSP project in the IDE, set the default location to use as the workspace for the BSP project files, and specify whether this BSP belongs to a working set.
  8. Click Finish to import the BSP.
    You will see that the IDE created a QNX project to configure and build the BSP. To build or make modifications (e.g., to the drivers) in this BSP, the /src directory contains the source code to all BSP components for which the source is provided, including device drivers, libraries, and utilities.
  9. To build the BSP, right-click the project file name in the project explorer, and then select Build Project.
The IDE generates a buildfile named from the BSP.