Menu commands

The Memory view toolbar icons include:

Icon Command Description

Icon: New memory View

New Memory View Create a new memory view.

Icon: Pin Memory Monitor

Pin Memory Monitor Select to pin the memory monitor on top of all other memory monitors.

Icon: Toggle Memory Monitors Pane

Toggle Memory Monitors Pane Show/hide the Memory Monitor pane.

Icon: Toggle Split Pane

Toggle Split Pane Toggle the Memory Renderings pane split.

Icon: Link memory Rendering Panes

Link Memory Rendering Panes Synchronize the selection of two memory renderings.

Icon: Switch memory Monitor

Switch Memory Monitor When more than one memory monitor is active, select a different memory monitor to view.
Menu > Layout Switch the Monitors and Rendering panes display between horizontal and vertical orientation.
Menu > Preferences Opens the Preferences window allowing you to set options.


Reset Memory Monitor — to set or reset only visible or all renderings when resetting a memory monitor.

Padded String — enter strings to show memory that is not retrievable.

Select Codepages — specify the standard to use to convert memory to ASCII and EBCDIC strings.

Menu > Table Renderings Preferences Specify the memory loading mode to use when rendering scrolls to the end of the buffer.