Importing C/C++ code that doesn't have the project metadata for SVN

To check out existing C/C++ code that doesn't have the project metadata for SVN:

  1. Right-click the module or directory in the SVN Repositories view, and choose Find/Check Out As… from the menu.

    The IDE shows the Check Out As wizard:

    Find/Check Out As

  2. > Choose how to check out this project:
    Option Description
    A project As a project configured using the New Project wizard
    A new project As a new project in the workspace
    A C/C++ project As a C/C++ Project – when you need to create your own Makefile to integrate with an existing build process
  3. Select the Checkout recursively and Ignore externals options, if required.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the project location.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. If you're creating or checking out a QNX project:
    1. Right-click the new project in the Project Explorer view, select Properties, and then click on QNX C/C ++ Project on the left.
    2. Click the Build Variants tab, which shows a warning:

      At least one platform should be selected

    3. Select the build variants that are already present in the project's folder structure, then click OK.
  8. If you're creating a Makefile C/C++ project, create a new Makefile with appropriate all: and clean: targets.