Step 2: Creating a new project for each existing project or component in your source code tree

Now, you need to create an individual project (via File > New > Project… ) for each of the existing projects (or components) in your source tree. In this example, you'd create a separate project for each of the following source components:

To create individual projects:

  1. Select File > New > Project… .
  2. Select the type of project.
  3. In the Project name field, type a descriptive name for your project (e.g. Project_ComponentA).
  4. Enable the Use default location option because you want the IDE to create a project in your workspace for this and all the other components that comprise your project EntireSourceProjectA. The IDE doesn't permit the project location to overlap with another project. In the next step, you'll link each project to the actual location of the directories in your source tree. The toolchain should be QNX QCC. If you didn't select a Makefile project (and create your own Makefiles), then the IDE will create Debug, Release, and other required output folders for the different project configurations.
  5. Click Finish, and you'll see Project_ComponentA in the Project Explorer view.