Using hotkeys

Even if you're running your debug session without the Debug view showing, you can use the hotkeys (or the Run menu) to step through your program. You can enable the debug hotkeys in any perspective.
To see a list of the currently active hotkeys, press Ctrl Shift L or choose Help > Key Assist. To customize the debug hotkeys:
  1. Choose Window > Preferences from the menu. The IDE shows the Preferences dialog.
  2. Choose General > Keys in the list on the left.
  3. Select a command from the list and click Edit.
  4. To assign this command to a new hotkey, click in the Name field in the Key Sequence area of the Keys pane, and then press the key(s) for your new hotkey.
  5. Click the Add button to assign the newly created hotkey to the selected command.
  6. Click OK to activate your new hotkeys.