Launching the Log Configuration dialog

To launch the Log Configuration dialog:

  1. In the Target Navigator view, right-click a target, then select Log With… > Kernel Event Trace from the menu.
  2. If you don't have the Target Navigator view open, select Window > Show View > Other… , and then QNX Targets > Target Navigator .

The System Profiler perspective also allows you to create Kernel Event Trace log configurations using the log dropdown from the toolbar.

If you don't already have a target project, you'll have to create one.

To create a target project:

  1. In the Target Navigator view, right-click and select New QNX Target.
  2. Specify the required information for your new target.
  3. Click Finish.

You can use this target project for a number of different tasks (debugging, memory analysis, profiling), so once you create it, you won't have to worry about connecting to your target again. Note also that the qconn target agent must be running on your target machine.

Related concepts
Address translation
Configuring your kernel event trace
Capturing instrumentation data in event log files